MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What movies did you watch last week (04/...

What movies did you watch last week (04/16-04/23)

Here's mine:

Commando (1985 Bluray): I never heard much about this movie but I was under the impression that it was gonna be an all-out war action in the jungle or something. It was not the case at all. It was not all bad but it was not nearly as good as I thought it would be. The story is as simple as it gets and it unfolds very slowly. I've watched so many action movies that I'm kind of tired of scenes of people following other people but there's a lot of this in this one. Also, the way they included the women in the plot was just ridiculous and he should've never picked her up after he stole her car. And why did she follow him after? Cheap car chases, crappy shootouts, poor fight scenes, not what I was in for. Arnold running to places, Arnold sneeking into places... This Arnold movie finds itself at the bottom of my Arny movies. Here I was Thinking I had been missing out on a great film... 5.5/10

Project A ( "A gai wak" 1983 DVD): I said it before and I say it again ; Jackie Chan is the greatest actor/director/writer/stunt director ever. The guy's a real phenomenon. Right off the first minutes of this movie I was smiling and I kept smiling and laughing untill the end. Some of the coolest, funniest, craziest fight scenes I've ever seen. The very first one (the Navy VS the police) was memorable. The one with the bikes was also original. There was a few major editing flaws but it just made it all funnier. This one is right up there with Police Story. 8/10

Sling Blade (1996 blueray):Since I watched Fargo season one, I have a sudden crush on Billy Bob Thornton so I bought Sling Blade and The man who wasn't there. Not only did he wrote and directed this one, he also pulled off an amazing performance. Karl is a captivating character, you can't help but keep your eyes on him and observe him. The rest of the cast was perfect too. The dialogues are very good as the movie consist mostly of conversations. When a simple scene of a man and a boy sitting in the grass at night talking can send chills down your spine it just proves the quality of the screenplay. This story is original the cinematography was beautiful and the music worked very well. 9/10

13 Reasons Why (2017 Netflix): So I finished all 13 episodes. I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say that the first 11 episodes are all solid and interesting but never really great. Then you get to the last two episodes and that's when shit gets real. Some tear jerking material that will leave you speechless. I think it's unfortunate that this is not a two hour movie because every teacher should have its students see this. It's eye-opening on a subject that we are all already aware of, but to the whole new degree. I always love watching things that are a bit shocking and this one really got to me in the end. Overall: 8.5/10 and thats mainly because they had the guts to go all the Way.


Hey, Stonekeeper ! I was just thinking about you, felt you were about due again.

I agree with your assessment somewhat of Slingblade. It's a truly unique film moving toward the iconic, or maybe considered so already. His characterization of Karl astounds me. To me, he's not even recognizable as Thornton. It's often featured in my movie lineup, tempting me for a re-watch .

Speaking of which, for me this past week, it's been a re-watch of The Town : for the most part, a decent, gritty crime thriller/caper flick. I plan on going to the movie's board soon to look over some of the comments; I'm still mulling it over, digesting it.


Hey buddy!
Your contribution to this thread is always apreciated.

The Town I thought was interesting but averagely executed. I'd give a 6.5


I watched Planet Earth 2 (Excellent, although not as good as the first one)
Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (Fun to watch in the original period setting)
The Hunt (BBC documentary, first three episodes... good if you like Attenborough's other shows)
Rick and Morty (First five episodes of first season... brilliant for fans of animation comedies or sci-fi)
Fargo premiere (I love this show, think it keeps getting better and better)
Better Call Saul (also love this show)
Survivor (Don't understand Cirie's strategy this week)
The Amazing Race (I don't care if the guy has one foot... I want that obnoxious team to lose)


I really love the Fargo show too. Can't wait to see this.


I remember liking Sling Blade but it felt like his level of impairment changed throughout the movie... at the beginning he was too dumb to ring a door bell but then by the end he was plotting a murder. But Billy Bob is always good to watch... a very interesting actor.


That Awkward Moment and We Are Your Friends


The Founder (now on video)-Let Michael Keaton and Linda Cardelinni take you through John Lee Hancock's mesmering, hamburger story of Raymond Krock and the McDonald Broithers and the controversially done popularisation of McDonalds.

Fast and the Furious 8 Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, and their hair covered counterpats Charlize Theron,m Michelle Rodriquez, Dame Helen Mirren, and others star and (except for the uncredited Miss Mirren) race through this eight installment of the major hit property/franchise, now in its sweet 16 (started, in 2001).

If I fall(?) Zoey "Vampire Academy" Duetsch and some other teenage girls on a series of near identical adventures, Zoey's reliiving the same day, a "Groundhog Day' with a sinister note, and teen girls. Jennifer Beals(!!) is the mother..


Was this to me or Stonekeeper?


to Everyone.


You replied directly to me though and I feel bad that it did not go to Stonekeeper. Your post was about movies, of which, he asks about in this thread.


Check the reply under Stonekeeper.


Oh I see what you did. You copy and pasted your initial reply to everyone else. I wish there was an option to "reply" and to "reply all". I had insisted on this, but it looks like Jim did not decide to go with.


Well, yeah, in case you know that I copy and pasted my initial reply which was to everyone else to under Stonekeeper's name.


We really need a "reply all" button.


Hell or High Water (2016) - Bridges was great and Ben Foster was also very good. I gave it 7.5/10

The Harvest (2013) - a low budget indy starring Michael Shannon and Samantha Morton. Its lacking big time. 6/10


Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land
Please take my hand


"Daddy's Home-2015- Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg. It is exactly what you think it is.
I'm a sucker for these kind of mindless comedies.-7"
Totally agreed!


Manchester by the Sea

Deep and touching movie about coping mechanism to a life changing tragedy. Acted very convincingly too.


Life has been hectic lately, so my watching has been sporatic.

I did start watching a South Korean movie called Gifted (2014). I'm going to try and finish it sometime this week.


Fringe tv series season 1-5.😎
