MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > people whose films you refuse to watch ?

people whose films you refuse to watch ?

Woody Allen abused his daughter
Brando abused his daughter
jeff bridges supports hillary clinton
pierce brosnan supports polanski
terry Gilliam supports polanski
michael mann signed the polanski petition
ewan mcgregor supports polanski
Nicholson supports polanski
Polanski drugged and raped a child
Emma Stone supports woody allen
meryl streep supports polanski


For the record Gerry, Woody Allen did not "abuse his daughter". There were extensive reports and evaluations which concluded that it was more likely that the child was "coached" or "brainwashed" by the mother. There is a host of information that you could read to learn the truth.


This case really bothers me. Mia has also been accused of lying about the father of her son Ronan to receive support from Woody when in fact Ronan is likely Frank Sinatra's child. This makes me uneasy about watching anything with Mia, who I always liked.


Anything with Adam Sandler...witless soul.


Anything with Adam Sandler...witless soul.


I'm not about to boycott the films of people who do things I disapprove of. If that were the case I doubt I'd watch much of anything! They may even boycott me for my political views or my taste in underwear!
These people and their personal lives don't concern me. If I enjoy a movie and the actors in it I will watch.

Not a huge fan of Woody Allen films...... I did enjoy, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But was/were Afraid To Ask. That was one funny film!

I can't boycott Rosemary's Baby! That is an all time FAVE!

I think that Robert Blake probably murdered his wife...... just my opinion, but I still love watching him in In Cold Blood.

I think that OJ Simpson is scum! I still get a kick out of him in The Naked Gun pictures.

I could go on but you get the general idea.......


Your everlasting summer
You can see it fading fast


Actors' personal lives have nothing to do with what they do film-wise, so no, all of that -- and a number are likely untrue or misstated -- is zero influence in what I watch


@ napsdufroid

in all fairness would you watch Birth Of A Nation


Yeah. Have seen it a few times. Don't like the racist aspect at all -- in fact despise it -- but can appreciate it as an historically important film. It's like watching Triumph Of The Will. You don't have to subscribe to any Nazi ideology to appreciate it as filmmaking.


no i mean the nate parker one


Again, why not?


BOAN is a film where a woman's rape is portrayed that her husband is the victim, he's the one whose been hurt hes the one who is humiliated

now take into account the nature of nate parker's controversy


It's a movie. Some film scenes are highly unpleasant. But again, I separate actors'/directors' personal lives from their work. For example, I think Polanski is a despicable human being, but still a great director.


I'd say let's maybe be better people ourselves and realize that people are complicated, and you know, maybe loosen up a little bit.


[–] Kazak (55) 2 days ago

"I'd say let's maybe be better people ourselves and realize that people are complicated, and you know, maybe loosen up a little bit."

Very nicely put.


Any mainstream Hollywood film with any of the pompous jerks.
