MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Prank phone calls

Prank phone calls

I get them on a regular basis. Mostly private , the pos will fill my voice mail. Sometimes call and hangup, play music, stupid conversations. Even play my voice mail recording onto mine. It's weird, after 10pm up until before 9am. 1 of my friends is fucked , claims he has aspergers. When I get mad I remind him,it pisses him off.
I have questioned him several times about phone calls, caught him on stuff. He is fucked. Sometimes can't take no for an answer. I at one time had a 35 voice mail limit. Someone would fill it. They would keep calling until full. It's Insane. Who does this. I used to answer it, now I just answer and say nothing, they hang up ?


Change your phone number, Einstein.



I did


Then problem solved, yes?



Yup, I hope, lol




It doesn't matter now. Idiot, psycho blocked me from Facebook when he realized I wasn't reading his messages on messenger. Last nite as soon as he realized I changed my number so he couldn't prank call. He friend requests me on Facebook. Marked it as spam. Fn nut bar ! There are several times he would message me on messenger, then prank call me within minutes. Clearly unstable , control freak. My other friend knows him. I'm only discussing on here. I hope he is done. Ignoring him only works. The phone calls are the last straw. It's so obvious it's him.


Well okay then.

