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Books you would like turned into a movie/tv show

Continuation of the Enderverse book (Enders Game was book 1)

The Wheel Of Time (because something needs to replace GOT soon and that would fit the bill nicely)

One Second After (very good book and the 3rd book was released recently).

Odd John

Weaveworld (the original story and not whatever story rewrite is currently being made)

Otherland series

The Fear Saga (Fear The Sky, Fear The Future & Fear The Survivors)


I'd love to see a film version of The Goldfinch by Donna Tart. It was written to be filmed and I'd be very anxious to see who they would cast.


I read The Secret History of hers. It was ok but a bit long and drawn out.


She needs a better editor. She's a good writer. It's like Stephen King books from the 80s and 90s. I like his writing and his ideas but I think those books were crazy long. They're back to normal again.


I don't mind long and drawn out if they are good. The Stand will always be my favourite Stephen King book. Haven't read much of his latest stuff. Read Under The Dome and the Shining sequel. They were ok but I think his best books were much earlier in his career.

Someone once told me that he employed ghost writers to write a lot of his books but I don't know if that was true or not. I could not get into his books in the same way past Misery though.


My favorites were Carrie and the short stories (title Monkey Shines?). I really liked Mr. Mercedes and the sequel which I can't remember right now. I never read The Stand but my husband loved it. I read It and it was long. I kind of gave up on him for awhile. Then I read a glowing review and I picked him up again. I don't know how he comes up with such clever ideas. It's amazing.


King didn't write Monkey Shines. That was Michael Stewart.

You should give The Stand a try.


Oh boy! Totally embarrassing! It was a short story collection with four novelettes. I think Stand by Me was in it?


That would be the story The Body in the book Different Seasons. Same book that The Shawshank Redemption was based on.


Forgot to add Conn Iggulden's Conqueror and Emporer series. Thay would make fantastic tv series. Awesome books.


I was going to say Jack Kerouac's On the Road but it turns out it was made into a film in 2012 but it didn't get good reviews and hardly anyone saw it. Travels With Charley - John Steinbeck


The Game is Life Series by Terry Schott

I haven't read book 6 yet, so I might change my mind.


A cross between The Matrix and Otherland. Sounds interesting. :)


I really enjoyed them.


Have read book one now and have started book two. Much enjoying them so far. Thanks for the recommendation.


The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien


That's out as a film next year.


Pretty sure that was a hoax but I would love to be proven wrong.


The Long Walk by Stephen King.


I am so surprised that nobody has ever tackled this book yet, even as a tv movie. It would be fantastic on film and so easy to do.


I always thought so too. It isn't as though they need costume changes and a whole lot of sets.
I'd prefer a feature film.


Surprised JD Salinger's Catcher in the Rye hasn't been made into a movie yet, it's a classic.


More of Patrick O'Brian's novels ("Master and Commander").

Sadly, Peter Weir felt there is not enough of an audience for these ship movies from the age of sail.
