MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Films that made you laugh the most.

Films that made you laugh the most.

I think mine has to Galaxy Quest as the main one.

Others are oldies...
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Money Pit
Life of Brian
The Airplane type films
Young Frankenstein
The Princess bride
All Of Me


I just remembered one we used to watch all the time when we were young teenagers. It's the dumbest, raunchiest teen sex comedy ever made. But we would get high then watch it and laugh our asses off till no end!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



All the small things
True care truth brings


Those were the days eh? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No contest: Life of Brian.

Not just the fact that every bit was really clever, but being raised religious something about the whole heretical nature of it just killed me.

Watched it late one night after work, and my laughing woke up my wife cause she thought I was having a heart attack or something.

First time I ever cried watching a movie - tears of laughter.


Big Lebowski and Anchorman


Babe, you know
You're growing up so fast


Old School was the best.


And mama's worrying
That you won't last
To say let's play


ah yes, the funneled beer that brought Frank the Tank back to life.🍻


Two from the sixties that I re-watch every time I get a chance:

Support Your Local Sheriff
(Starring James Garner with on of the best cast in any movie in any genre)

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
(Starring Don Knots
'atta boy luther


The Naked Gun
Old School
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Super Troopers


All Woody Allen comedies
Abbott and Costello





New here but I'm going to attempt mine by decade (at least the ones I was around:)

60s - The Producers
Runners up: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Dr. Strangelove
70s -Animal House
Runners up: Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, The Jerk, Kentucky Fried Move
80s -Caddy Shack
Runners Up: Ferris Bulers Day Off, SpaceBalls (May the Schwartz be with you), Fast Time at Rigmont High
90s -The Big Labosky (The Dude Abides)
Runners Up: Groundhog Day, Happy Gilmore, Clerks, Something About Mary
2000 [Tie] - Wedding Crashers / Anchorman
Runners up: 40 Year Old Virgin, The Hangover, Dodgeball (3 Ds), O Brother Where Art Though
2010s -Brides Maids
Runners Up: Well, since the the Golden Globes saw fit to nominate this as a comedy I'll end this list with irony: Silver Linings Playbook

*edited for spelling
