MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > World is flat, no moon landing, mermaids...

World is flat, no moon landing, mermaids and zombies are real...

So I have a friend that believes the world is flat, we didn't land on the moon and mermaids are real (because of a mockumentary she took as literal).

Her husband's prepared for a zombie apocalypse and has so many guns.


They sound like a hoot. But I would always be trying to trick them just to see what half baked ideas they would believe. Go camping with them and fake a sasquatch sighting.


OMG I should totally mess with them! Usually I disagree worth them and argue points, but icould really have some fun with them LOL


That would be fun, but they'd probably shoot you!


Ah, a zombie outbreak,the perfect apocalypse, but unlikely.


So is this how they see the solar sytem? -


I'm quite partial to the Hollow Earth theory myself!!! (no-I'm joking!!)



What solar system? I don't need no stinkin' solar system.


Haha I'm not really sure. They aren't even convinced satellites exist LOL


You can literally look up at the sky and see satellites fly by on your own. Wtf?!

You can see other planets in the night sky. They are round. They rotate. They have different sides. Jupiter has bands that spin around it. It doesn't require a government conspiracy to lie about that.

Those friends of yours should be in a mental institution locked away from society with no access to phones so their thoughts can seep out into the world.


and how about some evangelical Christians who think the Earth is only 10K yrs old, dinosaurs are a hoax placed by the Devil.


Fred Flintstone rode around on dinosaurs.
There is a fundamentalist 'natural history' museum that literally has displays of cave men riding dinosaurs.
They were just too big for Noah's Ark, that is why they are extinct now. (rolleyes)
How can you do anything but laugh. Except it is scary when some elected officials believe this shit. And they are making decisions involving or environment.


Yep, you're right about the politics.


Those people are equally nuts


I think we all have those embarrassing friends, where you just shake your head at. I have a friend who's an internet troll. He's an internet troll by all definitions, which is hilarious. He likes to go on MGTOW and 9/11 Truther boards and argue teeth and nail on how rotten women are, and how everyone's a sheep for thinking terrorists were responsible for the World Trade Center attacks.

The funny thing is, he does in real life, the exact same things you see trolls do online. He will accuse others of trolling before they get accused of it. He'll always respond it whatever asinine response he can muster to get the last word. And he'll just go on raving lunatic rants about how Trump will save the world, black people suck, woman are evil, and the Government is planting mind control liquids into our water.

And to top it all off, guess how they live? Unemployed, in their mothers basement and they are in their 30's lol. Classic internet trolls.

I've often wondered if I should punch them in the face just to give all those they've trolled on the internet some justice.


Why are you friends with a person like that?

At least the flat earth mermaid people sound funny. Good for some lulz. Your friend just sounds annoying if he does all that shit irl as well. Punching in the face is probably not a good idea, but dumping him as a friend would be a healthy response.


We've been friends since we were 5. People just grow up differently I suppose and I hadn't seen him for 10 years after high school and when we did reunite, he was full blown internet troll.

I guess you can say, at the time I didn't really know much about trolling. But as I got more familiar with them on the internet, I realized how much my friend was like that too.

I laugh at their ridiculousness more than get angry. It's different when you talk to a troll face-to-face than online. Online, they have anonymity. In person, they'll get a punch to the face.


Your friend is amazingly gullible. I know a few bridges she can buy cheap


I'll take your business card.


Tell your friend Elvis is playing somewhere nearby and try to sell them a ticket.




when I drive on the freeway, it's flat, so the world must be flat, no?


How do we know the world isnt flat? We believe its round because its what we've been told.


"There are secrets out there that can change the world."

Lara Croft - rise of the tomb raider


Yeah because THAT'S the ONLY reason. LOL


I wanna party with them!

