MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did aliens give us our tech?

Did aliens give us our tech?

Random thought of the day. Since the dawn of time, approx. 5000 years ago, we began to actually record history. So we really only know our culture from 3000 BC to the present. But humans have existed prior to that, we just didn't record anything down so we only have limited knowledge. However, our technology is known since those artifacts have been and are still being found. And our technology didn't really advance much over thousands and thousands of years. Horse drawn carriages, torches, metallurgy and blacksmithing and what nots have been the tools we used for milleniums. Like, literally, thousands of years. Then, all of a sudden, BOOM! We have this....this crazy technologically advanced world. And when did it all start? Roughly within the past 150 years. Maybe even less than that. We made cars, discovered how to harness and control electricity and now we can talk through radio waves, shoot humans out of this protective sphere into the deep dark void, and literally store our lives on electronic devices that relies on a mathematical concept called "imaginary numbers." OOOOOOOOH, sexy!

So, any theories on how for thousands of years, our technology was pretty much, eh, and now we can do just about anything we want, anytime we want to do it? ALIENS! That's right motherfuckers. We have alien technology. There's no other fucking explanation, right? I mean, come on, it's pretty fucking obvious, some how, we got a hold of some technology that wasn't natural on Earth or for humans and that took us to this imaginary world that relies on imaginary numbers.

Makes sense.


No one?


Did your school really fail you and completely skip this part of science?


The clue to the troll is where he/she says since the dawn of time 5000 years ago.


When did recorded history begin, smart guy?


Well,it's a sensitive thing to.discuss in public,you see how people reacts to this,but after the human kind have shown whats capable to do ,even to other man ,i think the human kind would never be ready to face other inteligent species that's out there

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are


1- 'since the dawn of time approx 5000 years ago, we began to record history' okay so how do you explain the cave drawings 500 feet from my house in a cave which are estimated to be 10,000-45,000 years old if we only started recording history 3000 years ago and we've only existed for 5,000???

2- 'there no other fucking explanation' yes there is, a big one. Its called War. war pushed forward technology hugely, almost all technological revelations have come from war and I don't know if you've noticed but there been an awful fucking lot of it the past 150 years. I too am so sorry the schools failed you so hard


I never said we only existed 5000 years, moron. Learn how to read first, then you can make "legit" complaints if I'm ever wrong. Thanks!



Sumer, located in Mesopotamia, is arguably the first known complex civilization, developing the first city-states in the 4th millennium BCE. It was in these cities that the earliest known form of writing, cuneiform script, appeared c. 3000 BCE. Cuneiform writing began as a system of pictographs.*&spf=1

Just to shut you idiots up. I know my facts, you might need to go back to school. Thanks. Bye.


ohhhh danggggg, nerd fight. *gets popcorn*

- Excidium, he knows his cave facts.
-Shredder, he knows his pictographs.

Whomever loses will enroll back into school with me! : (
because I don't know what's going on.


1- You literally said "since the dawn of time, approx. 5000 years ago" if that is not what you meant then maybe YOU should learn to write English, since ya know the 'DAWN OF TIME' USUALLY MEANS THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE, learn your phrases imbecile.

2- You have yet to debunk my war answer which blows the whole 'aliens are totally messing with our technology dude' out of the water.


Moron, I said recorded history. Look it up, retard. And your war analogy is a joke. War had been going on since the dawn of time with little to no technology evolution. Your critical thinking skills suck. Bye.


yes war has been going on since the dawn of time, small insignificant battles between on country or another or with in a country itself. non of which where world wars, if you want further proof just look at how fashion changes with every war, each time it drastically pushes it forward


You really need to read what I wrote and comprehend it first before replying.


maybe you should try that yourself since you obviously didn't read what I said and just replied with generic insult No.43


You mean repeating the same thing I already replied to previously. Yeah, troll trick 11. Repeat the same thing til ad nauseam and force the other person to just stop replying. Get the last word and you win the conversation!


Didn't the last ice age just end about 10,000 years ago?


If you start with a penny on the first of the month, and double it each day, you'll be a millionaire at the end of the month. More importantly, you'll have pocket change at most at the end of the first week. The point is that some things are exponential. Unless you have a degree in the physical sciences, you won't understand how one innovation will compound into many. More importantly, there is no "missing link" anywhere in the technological chain. Every invention we marvel at now had a predecessor with a traceable lineage.


I have a BSME.


Pardon my bluntness, but if I were hiring a mechanical engineer, you would not be a candidate for my department (assuming you were being completely serious in your first post).


I have a job doing CAE analysis using FEA software. But thanks for your concern on how a person is professionally, based on one joke thread on a movie forum. Lol.




Bu** Sh** Mucho Extremis




Thank you. You just explained it much more politely and succinctly than I could have.
There have been technological advances all throughout written and pre-written history. It didn't all just start 150 years ago.
They had running water in ancient Rome. the OP doesn't consider this technology I guess, because it's not electrical.
Every different metal needs a different type of technology and different skills to work it. The usage of metals advanced so much that the different ages were named after those metals. (bronze age, iron age, etc)
Using wind to sail ships and turn windmills is technology.
Being able to build large structures used technology and engineering, even if it was just slaves and horses doing the heavy lifting.
Being able to cook, ferment, and preserve food uses technology.
Spinning thread, weaving cloth and dyeing it and printing designs on it and then sewing it into increasingly complex garments is all technology. before any sewing machines ever existed, they still used technology.
Making paper, making ink, making pens... all of this is advanced technology even before we get to the printing press.
Even the lowly horse and wagon, which the OP just threw out like it was nothing, did not exist unchanged for thousands of years before BOOM, cars appeared out of nowhere. They were _constantly_ making improvements in horse drawn vehicles. Shock absorber systems in the wagon itself, improvements in the harnesses and bridles, the wheel itself was constantly being improved, even to discovering that two horses harnessed side by side can pull a lot more weight than two horses harnessed head to toe.
A 17th century coach is as far advanced over a roman chariot as a high speed bullet train is over a steam locomotive.

It's a shame that all the amazing discoveries and inventions from thousands of years gets lumped together as "primitive".


Are you seriously comparing the Roman aqua ducts to the Saturn V rocket that shoots human beings to the moon???????


They are the same, in the sense that an average person (or below average person) has no clue how to build one and how they work. It is all technology.


Going from riding on horses to rocketing to the moon in less than a century is hardly a small jump in technology when it was preceded by thousands of years of riding on horses.


You're mentioning things I already explained. There was continuous advancement in horse powered transportation over the centuries. I suggest more time hitting the history books and less time on youtube conspiracy theories.


3000 BC ----> 1890 AD - Main mode of Transportation: Horses

1890 ----> 1969 - Humans walking on the moon

Advancement in horse powered technology, lol. That's a good one.


If you want to talk about the progression of rockets, you need to go back to the invention of gunpowder.
11th century China.
History books. And science books. Check them out sometime.


Lol, again. Now you're comparing bottle rockets to rocket ships. Nice!


If you cannot understand the exponential progression from one to the other, I can't help you.
Good day to you sir.


I have heard bottle rockets are actually faster than rocket ships.


A lot of times advancement comes by random chance. John Deere "invented" the steel plow that self scoured from a broken saw blade laying around in his blacksmith shop. From this and other agricultural contributors gave the US the ability to be self sufficient in food supplies while expanding the population for industry, education, and other pursuits. During colonial days the average man spent quite a bit of his day in the activities of securing food and combustable material for heat. How much time and effort does it take the average contemporary American to feed himself? The percentage of that American's income to feed themselves. You don't have to be a farmer to know these things as this was taught in public schools during the middle years in past generations. Too bad so much time today is wasted putting a condom on a cucumber in public schools.


Yes !
The potato chip came about this way. And look at the immense, multi-billion dollar snack food industry it spawned.



That is stunning!! Thanks


You're welcome. I found it very fitting for this post lol.


Brace yourself more questions to come from shredder

the Earth is flat?
does the Sun revolve around Earth?
did NASA fake the moon landing?
Moon isn't real, is it just a hologram?
the earth is hollow?
the sky is A glass dome?
did US government create AIDS/HIV ?
the big foot is real?


If knowledge is power and power corrups,how the human kind ever survives ?


The short answer would be no.



You can't, with complete certainty, say that, because we simply do not know. The advancement of technology, over the short few years, is unfathomable compared to the steady, and basic plateau of technology up until the UFO crash landings found in New Mexico.


Do you really want to know the truth?


Truth is subjective. I want to know the facts!


Some people can't hendle the facts even when you give them evidence about that


I'm not "some people."


No you're not😉 but it's a sensitive thing to discusse in public,you've seen how other people reacts to this,anyway i recomend you a series of documentaries called " ancient aliens "


I've seen that show. It's all theories and speculation. They discuss "ancient" astronauts mistaken to be angels by the our own primitive humans in the ancient world like Egypt and Greece. However, that doesn't explain the sudden spike in technology that began about the same time as the Roswell crash.


Theyre envolment (pardon my english,it's a little rusty)in the human evolution dates way back before roswell incident,think about the extinction of the dinasours or the other hominid species before homo sapiens,the truth is right in front of you,just you need to have an opened mind.


I know the theory that humans could have been genetically engineered by aliens and planted on this planet. But then after that, most of it is natural evolution. There were two species of humans, Cro Magnum and Neandertol. Obviously, one survived, and the other didn't. The Cro Magnums were more naturally evolved to survive the environment and abandoned the "hunter/gatherer" lifestyle and began agriculture and live stock.

That doesn't explain the sudden spike. Yes, the theory that we're genetically engineered is sound. I buy that. However, I don't buy that our stagnant technology for over 3 milleniums, all of a sudden spiked to an fantasy type world. We can literally call on to any information, at any time, by a device that fits into our pockets. That's science fiction if you ask me.


Like i said before,this is not a thing to.discuss in public,and there are small.chances to speak face to face


Just my opinion.



It's also noteworthy that this was within two years of post WW2 and it's a fact that the Nazis were somewhat technologically advanced compared to the Allied Forces. They developed the rocket for instance. Also, many former Nazi scientists were recruited by the U.S. after the war.


They were also very close to develope a nuclear bomb


It's incredibly ironic that Robert Oppenheimer ( German sounding name ), who was Jewish, was designated as " the father of the atomic bomb. "


Indeed,an irony of fate
The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.



Well, there was one Twilight Zone episode that illustrated just this scenario. Among us lives an alien of whom know one knows. Man, that was a good episode.


I love the Twilight Zone. No matter how old it is, the idea presented in that show was way ahead of it's time.
