MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you prefer sad or uplifting music?



Both,If there are good songs ,i enjoi both genre.

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.




I like a little of both, for sad I like Adele, Phil Collins, Jim Croce, James Taylor, for uplifting I like Kiss, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Scorpions.


Both, but sad music appeals to me more. I've always been pretty melancholic.


My favorite music tends to be both sad and uplifting at the same time. A lot of James Horner's work makes me feel that way.

Here is one of my favorites:


I think the idea should be to prevent tough times in the first place and to CELEBRATE good times 😊


Definitely uplifting. I don't like to wallow in despair, although last summer I just could not shake this funk... I got myself super stressed over finals, then every little thing made me burst into tears for months on end. Never want to get that depressed again.
But I'm okay now. As long as I manage my stress.


It saddens me to learn you had that bad time, Leia. You deserve so much better than that. Blessed be!


Thank you. πŸ€—

I am better now, luckily. It was just a really rough time that I never want to experience again.


Take comfort in knowing that we usually learn more from our painful experiences that we do from our pleasurable ones!


Good saying ,R_kane.

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.


Well, if you ever wanted to hear some very non-uplifting (But excellent) music, then Joy Division is your band. The lead singer finally hung himself. The depression comes through in the music.

Below is one of their more upbeat tunes.

Joy Division - Disorder
