MovieChat Forums > TheFarsideObserver
TheFarsideObserver (155)
What percentage of children are involved in bullying?
How Return of the Jedi really should have ended.
I went to a Kid Rock concert in Salinas Ca, yesterday.
Woa black people are tough!
Dog tries to revive fish
HBO? Brilliant or Disgusting?
How do they know Saturn is a "gas giant"?
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First of all I'm not your buddy. Second of all no woman has ever wanted a man in history, no more than she's wanted his money and what ever else she could get out of him. Just check out this poor sorry bastard: [url][/url] That's what desperation looks like.
Not sure what that means prolly has to do with sex. "Ball with the ball lets bang lets bang diggy diggy diggy shake the booty said up in the booty".
Happy Fourth of You Lie.
That is You Lie about wanting to spread democracy when you just want it for yourself.
"Your teachers failed you."
Fuck that we need to question everything. If you haven't been to another planet you can't claim to be an expert on it.
"The people who did the lynching were already dead by the time the tornado happened."
No it's just 37 years, perfect time to kill them and their grown up children and grandchildren since the sins of the fathers are passed down to the subsequent generations.
Also in 1993 in Waco Texas cult leader David Koresh of the brand Dividians was burn to death in his compound by the FBI and ATF. Compare the charred remains of one of the victims to that of Jesse Washington's.
David Koresh victim: [url][/url]
Jesse Washington: [url][/url]
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