MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I have moderated on 100 forums 😎😎😎😎

I have moderated on 100 forums 😎😎😎😎

I am the most impartial and unbiased moderator of them all 😎😎😎😎

Make me the moderator Jim


You don't ant to be a moderator Ben. You know I'm going to have to bench-test any moderators the full way to make sure they are all above board, following a clear set of protocols and subscribing to a proper vetting system prior to making any considered reactions to potential violators of, as yet unpublished, message board rules.

It would be hell for you. I've been in a great mood today just oiling over the mechanisms with the small fry and increasing the database load here to make sure it can handle a fairly active cycle.

No thanks for it neither! Not even a cup of tea and a biscuit.


I am just pissing them off bro. They are still responding to my threads even after me ignoring them. They clearly have an agenda and they are pushing for themselves to become mods and they want to ban me. I have nothing to do with them. I have them ignored. I am minding my own business. Yet they want me banned. Seems like bad blood from imdb and imdb2 proboard.


I'm sure anything just now is just from the elation of finally having an ignore feature. The shine will wear off soon enough and things will settle back down. It was a much needed feature here and now we have it.


You need to keep dealing with them. They want you and me banned, and all the other cool users. They want a private club for themselves with their own chosen members. This is a public forum.


I think the sugar rush has worn off now that people can ignore in peace. It would be nice if ignored people would stop their harassment of others as that was my major problem with one in particular today. Been good for two hours now so I think the next focus is on the new rules and moderators.


Moderation should not be needed at all now and serious violations should directly be handled by Jim once in a day ideally like on IMDb but alas


I'll leave it in Jim's hands for now as I don't know what his next steps hope to be but I think it has been shown that enforcing moderation doesn't gel a group it polarizes it and breaks it apart. Not something we come here for I hope.


I see that they are on ignore and can't read my posts without logging off or using their socks, yet they are obsessed about me and you and want to become moderators so they can ban us ? They are the doxxers not us! They are the stalkers not us! They are the trolls not us! I think it is clear that they are pernicious trolls who have agenda to destroy this site before it even flourishes. They are agents of rival sites.


I think everyone just needed to see Daddy act out a little before they realised that the doll house wouldn't be as pretty without him around.

Tantrum is averted for now, let's see how Jim plays it out from here. He's got a lot of work on and it's no easy task I'm sure.


"Moderation should not be needed at all now and serious violations should directly be handled by Jim once in a day..."



Yes even if they spread lies against you behind your back, ultimately it doesn't matter. However i don't to see unwanted biased moderators who will be sent 1000 pms a day by these losers begging them to ban users they hate. I have seen good forums deteriorate this way. Even the most impartial of moderators are fed months and months of propaganda until they cave in.

Other tactic they will employ is pretend to be friends to these mods until they cajole them to do their bidding. Not cool.

Ignore is enough for now. Let us discuss movies and other stuff and let troll haters fester in their hatred and diatribe


Will we ever get paid to post here?


I think when the comic book movie people show up they are certain that people who don't share their opinion are paid for by whoever the movie's competitors are. Apart from that you will have to wait until the next election for the American presidency.


Ben, you've been posting for 20 hours straight. That's pretty unusual. C'mon tell us... are you the only one using this BenCaesar nic, or are you sharing it with other trolls?


Stalking troll you should be banned. Ignored.


I thought I was on ignore, Ben. How come you saw my post?


"I am the most impartial and unbiased moderator of them all 😎😎😎😎

Make me the moderator Jim"

followed by,

"Stalking troll you should be banned. Ignored."



It's normal that he isn't thinking straight after he's been posting for 20 hours. I'm amazed that he still functions at all. hehe


[–] Ben (419) an hour ago
Look at the haters pile up 😎😎😎😎

Thanks for bumping.

Yes, i am the most famous IMDb user of all time.

reply ignore report
[–] Ben (419) an hour ago
Haters keep on hating the greatest IMDb user of all time 😎😎😎😎


However there's an up side to this: once again he's posted as "Ben," as the OP, once again outing himself that "Ben" is BenCaesar's sock, or vice versa :D

Hoisted once more by his own petard! Aw, too bad, ain't it?


So far he's been exposed as Ben, BenCaesar, God, Pinky and TM1617-2.

And many many more to come.


Oh, more will come; that's why he was so hated on IMDB


I noticed that he completely missed his daily trolling session on TMDB today. (he usually trolls both sites, taking turns). Aren't we the lucky ones? (sigh)


Won't reply again, 'cause it only bumps the post, which is what he wants, but did you ever stop and think for a moment how utterly empty and useless his life must be, with nothing else to do but troll? It's several hundred notches below pathetic. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a hateful individual. But as with all vermin, it needs to be eliminated from where it thrives.


"I have moderated on 100 forums 😎😎😎😎"

It should be "I have trolled on 100 forums 😎😎😎😎"




Heh heh, that would be refreshingly honest for a change :)


Never expect honesty from little benny


Moderators should reveal their real identity, to Jim of course. BenC you up for that ?


Jim and i are close friends


Look at the haters pile up 😎😎😎😎

Thanks for bumping.

Yes, i am the most famous IMDb user of all time.



I've seen BenCaesar on IMDb alot.


Haters keep on hating the greatest IMDb user of all time 😎😎😎😎


Look at the haters pile up


I am so famous that they keep discussing me even when i have them on permanent iggy. Ignore that "God" troll. People accused me of being him but he is a total nut case.


You're not convincing anyone here Ben,just so you know.
You are reading all the posts,your ego is forcing you to!
FYI we know that you and God are the same poster.


People make me a moderator i will ban trolls from IMDb2 boards like "God" and "Apis" and "Catbrooks". They want to destroy this site.


Add this troll "Dazed" to the list. I am seeing notifications but i am not reading its posts.



Why do you even bother talking to me? I have you on ignore, remember?



As a moderator i won't ban you "Dazed" but i will unignore you to keep an eye on you. Upvote me as your Moderator Imperator



Sorry Dazed i can't unignore you now. It is not possible !
