MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > This Board Only Needs Three Rules

This Board Only Needs Three Rules

To keep this board attractive over other boards that are over moderated by fascists and users who abuse the report function.

1.No spamming
2.No threats of violence towards political figures (edited)
3.No posting other's personal info


Ya hear me?


Make that 5 rules.

1.No spamming
2.No threats of violence
3.No posting other's personal info
4.No racial posts
5.No sexual threats or insults


"4.No racial posts
5.No sexual threats or insults"

I disagree.

Be civil to others would be better.

Thin skinned people take anything as an insult upon them if you let them and I don't think that's the way to be promoting free speech.


Nope. No racial crap is needed as is no sexual threats or insults.

And if I see crap like that I'll report it and block the troll who posted it.

We're all adults here who don't need to resort to bs like that.


Block away as you should.

I just think if we start marginalizing what constitutes and insults or dismissing of opinion due to a physical or personal characteristic you'll end up under a social justice warrior heel in no time.

And that's not where I'm gonna be regardless of how people think it is the case.

Zeit Valkyrie!



More boundaries and more reasons why they should be discussed.


More boundaries and more reasons why they should be discussed.


The last two could be condensed into one rule: "No discrimination or hate speech."


There you go, Leia. If I see racial slurs or people spamming the board with racial or sexual threads or threats, I'm reporting and ignoring them.

I'll also personally email Jim with screenshots.


No sexual threads? I mean..what?

Why not just ignore the sexual threads?
Some movies even have sexual content and some people like discussing all aspects of human nature.

Sexual harassment is one thing but sexual conversations were pretty normal on imdb.


sexual threaTs
not sexual threaDs


He said 'sexual threads'.



[–] Dungbeatle (69) 5 hours ago

Make that 5 rules.
1.No spamming
2.No threats of violence
3.No posting other's personal info
4.No racial posts
5.No sexual threats or insults


"There you go, Leia. If I see racial slurs or people spamming the board with racial or sexual threads or threats, I'm reporting and ignoring them.

I'll also personally email Jim with screenshots. "


'Sexual Threads' was not in his list of proposed rules. It's just in his list of what he will personally ignore or report.
You can report anything, you can report people for using too many exclamation marks if you want. but if there is no rule against it then the reports will be discarded.


People will flee this site if nuns are running this place.

Sex is not illegal and plenty of movies have sexual themes.

My only concern is; I don't want to be harassed even after blocking someone...etc. (that's happened on imdb with socks..etc)
But other than that, I'd rather put the person on ignore rather than dictate their threads.


Exactly. Report and ignore. 👍🏻


You'll personally e-mail Jim with screenshots? Looks like we found the board tattletail.


What's wrong with a tattletale?


I can't believe you're asking but I have to remind myself that common sense is now rare. Anyway, tattletails are fascists who try to oppress everyone else around them.


Way to stereotype, dude. Many "tattletails" are just reporting suspicious behavior, as they should.


Well said Leia


"are just reporting suspicious behavior"

"Orwellian" is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practised by modern repressive governments. Often, this includes the circumstances depicted in his novels, particularly Nineteen Eighty-Four but political double-speak is criticized throughout his work, such as in Politics and the English Language.


<< tattletails are fascists who try to oppress everyone else around them. >>

Aren't "tattletales" just whistleblowersw?

It's a noble calling.


Only need 2 rules... No spamming and no posting other's personal info... If no person info is every post then it makes no difference whether someone threatens to kill someone or not because it is nothing more than forum bluster... as for racial/sexual/insults... who cares... If you aren't thick skinned enough to accept an insult then just say in your mama's womb the real world has bad words in it - so learn to deal.


Oh yeah? So you're just going to walk up some stranger on the street and start calling him if he's black the n word? Or he's Asian the G word? And the person is "thin-skinned"if they don't like it? If you did that to me I'd pull out a switchblade in stab you in the gut then cut your balls off shove them down your throat and bury you in Central Park. Then take your wallet and find your family and set the whole house on fire and burn everyone to a crisp.😃


See... that's a perfect example of forum bluster... You can safely pretend you are a action star and make a complete douche of yourself why pretending you are some macho guy instead of the little gay mama's boy and no one cares. Glad you got into the spirit, I would say go f&*k your mother but I need to finish her first.


My mother's been dead for over 30 years but have a ball, motherfucker.🎃


No wonder she didn't move.


You two need to get a room.


I would adjust #2 to threats are violence are ok, but just as long as they are not carried out.


I'm mainly concerned with the nutters who make posts about assassinating politicians since it's illegal. There was far too much of that on IMDb.


fair enough, but i'd like to have the freedom to say something to the effect of " I will destroy ur life in ways u never imagined, u hear me u USELESS PLEB?"


Okay then, #2 should be no threats of violence toward political figures. That's it. Fascist snowflakes can use the ignore button for everything else or grow a thicker skin and start ignoring comments with their minds.


This " snowflake"would find you hunt you down. Murder you and your entire family and burn your home down to a crisp to cover all evidence and laugh my ass off as I piss on the ashes.


You need psychotherapy and medication, bitch boy.


Oh you were afraid of a snowflake are you ? poor baby.😛


Fuck off, faggot.


Go fuck yourself pedophile. I'm going to find you and track your ass down pedophile.


Pedophile? Are you admitting you're a toddler? I never touched you, kid.(I need my IMDb laughing emoticon)


Yeah, I'm a 70 year old toddler. Ya fckn SNOWFLAKE!😃


Rule 1 dont talk about fight club


I don't think that simply insulting someone should be against the rules. It's not nice to do, but making that a rule will open the door to too much childish reporting of posts. "He said I was stupid! She said I was ugly!".
I think the rules should be well defined but also quite limited to only the worst type of offenses.

- violating someone's privacy. (doxxing)
- Spam
- solicitation for money (even for legitimate need or charity- because people have no way to check up on that and this isn't the place for it.)
- posting links to a site that has a virus, spyware, or anything that would harm someone's device.
- hate speech (specifically defined, not just 'I hate you')
- Flooding (starting multiple threads for the same subject or multiple threads with offensive subject lines)
- impersonating any existing moviechat user or mod
- threatening violence or threatening a privacy violation against another member.
- hacking another member's account
- Anything that severely interferes with the use of the board, breaking a thread with code hacks, etc.
- Advocating any serious crime. (this is mostly to protect jim as the board owner)
- posting links to hardcore porn or obscene violent content. (simple nudity does not qualify as porn, but please be considerate and use a NSFW tag for nudity)
- sockpuppets (multiple accounts used by the same person)

These are very specific infractions.
Other things like flaming, insulting, arguing, debating, personal disputes, etc, are just part of online life, and part of adult life off the internet too. People will not always get along. I think that an ignore and block feature can take care of those types of things. Mods should not be nannies trying to make little kids play nice all the time.


I reckon these are too many rules. Too long didn't read sir!


Which of them would you want to do, so much that you think it should be allowed?


I reckon we just post and let jim do all the worrying



Yeah... It should just say "no threats", as in no threats in general, to anyone, whether or not they'd be carried out...

EDIT: If anything, threats against posters should be more heavily punished than threats against political leaders. The likelihood of either actually being carried out is still low, but personal attacks are far more painful than ones against political entities with possibly questionable agendas.


Serious threats of violence are against the law in the US.
By this I do not mean vague insults like
'I hope you die'
'Go kill yourself'

I mean more concrete threats like
'I am coming to your house with a gun and I am going to shoot you.'


At the rate people are going they might as well create a Disney sponsored forum. I don't want sanitized discussions censored by people... let things roll and when someone behaves like a complete douche people will quickly know and ignore them... but censorship should be left to the people reading because in the end when I see a post I don't like I have the ability to just stop reading it and ignore it, if someone else enjoys reading things I find offensive so be it I don't care and don't think I should be able to censor what other choose to read or not read.


Too many rules = we will be walking on eggshells.


Granted, there shouldn't be an overkill amount of rules, but if most of them are common sense, there shouldn't really be a problem. A baseline would be useful; outlining what is acceptable behavior and what is clearly trolling.


If everyone had common sense then we would need 0 rules.


I know that. I meant that most rational adults wouldn't argue against reasonable rules based on common sense.


If you have never read the TOU of other social media sites or message boards, that would be a good starting place. There are commonalities that you will see on most of them. The same rules come up again and again. Those things are there for good reasons, usually to protect the board owner from potential litigation.


Good point. I think all should be forbidden, though, unless it's clearly in a joking manner (which is hard to prove, and an ineffective defense anyway).



I reckon ignoring a user deals with #1


Fuck political figures. They need a few scares so they take their jobs seriously and not forget who they are really supposed to be working for.


If we really feel so potentially threatened about being here that we need a set of rules that's longer than the US Constitution, why bother coming here. Only need one rule: act like a civilized adult.


I think those rules are meant for people who can't act like civilized adults. Some basic guidelines for what is acceptable behaviour need to be put in place, imo. The Ignore feature is good, but I hardly think it's panacea.


Define civilized... that's the problem you face because while some things may be so extreme that 99% of the people would find them inappropriate you will find that in between what is 99% acceptable and 99% unacceptable that you get a gray area where things are slightly unacceptable one day and then slightly acceptable the next.... No clear distinction for some things and likely never will be.

I prefer the wild west where anyone offended can easily click ignore and move one with their life.


I would like to add: Not using the board for advertising of any kind. Don't promote your blog, your Instagram account, your upcoming e-novel or what ever. This is not Craigslist or eBay or whatever. This is a place for discussion pop culture.
