MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Remake better than the original?

Remake better than the original?

I can only think of one and that is John Carpenter's version of The Thing.


They're pretty rare but the 1986 version of The Fly is a classic. The new Hawaii Five-0 series is quite good. I really liked the new Odd Couple but it doesn't look like it will come back next season.


I'll say, "Dawn of the Dead (2004)". I like it way better than the 1978 original



The B&W 1968 "Night of the Living Dead" was my first.




Back atcha my friend! πŸ˜„πŸ»


The 1978 version was king of the hill for the longest time. A huge achievement. But unfortunately, it has not aged well at all LOL. I still have love for it though for sentimental reasons. 2004 is very good!!


Jake Weber! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ‘


Right on LOL!!!!


The Winona Ryder version of LITTLE WOMEN (1994) is better than any of the versions that came before.

It always makes me cry, when Beth.....I can't say it!!!


His Girl Friday (1940) is better than The Front Page (1931)


Against All Odds 1984 (remake of 1947's Out of the Past).

hot Hot HOt HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did not realize that was a remake. Now I need to go back and watch them both again....any excuse to watch a Robert Mitchum movie.


And both are very good. But Jeff Bridges in AaO? Oh... My... God!!!!


As long as we're talking about remakes, Re: Robert Mitchum, what about "Cape Fear"? Can't say DeNiro is a slack but I'd have to say, these two versions are on equal ground .
Both portrayals of "Max Cady " are frightening and completely fleshed out IMO. But if I HAD to choose my fav , it would have to be Mitchum.


The 1986 remake of The Fly is considered a classic but I just heard they're planning another remake, seems pretty pointless.


The Thing and The Fly are probably the two most commonly cited ones, and I agree with those, and I'll add Airplane! (1980). I don't know of any others.


Now that's an interesting one.

Airplane! was a parody of disaster movies but secured the rights to Zero Hour so they didn't get sued.

Should it be considered a remake in that case, even though it wasn't really?


I've heard different stories about that. According to Wikipedia they didn't need to secure the rights because Airplane! and Zero Hour! were both Paramount movies:

Because Zero Hour! was owned at the time by Paramount Pictures, the makers of Airplane!, also a Paramount feature, were able to use the screenplay almost verbatim, including the hero again being named Ted Striker.

Other sources say they bought the rights to Zero Hour! for $2,500.

This video features a side-by-side comparison which shows how alike the two movies are:


Happened to watch this 70s 'disaster movie' just recently. Sometimes corny and over the top but nevertheless entertaining. It actually contained O.J Simpson in an otherwise impressive cast, lol.


The Maltese Falcon (1941) - apparently the 3rd attempt though only one earlier version had the same name.
