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Why Do My Family have such shit taste in film?

So I have been banned from choosing a movie to watch for the family (and when I say family I mean a 21yr, a 51yr and a 54yr) because according to them I only choose bad films to watch, so apparently The Nice Guys is a bad movie, so is Whiplash, The Shinning, The Revenant, and The Matrix but hey Inferno was great and so was Suicide Squad. Iv given up watching movies with them, they make it so obvious that they hate any movie I choose which then stops me from enjoying it, because lets face it you cant enjoy watching a movie with other people which aren't enjoying it. Anyone else have the same problem?


I understand the frustration. I seem to have very different tastes to those around me and so have had to watch a lot of things alone. It does get a bit annoying from time to time, but I'm mostly okay with it now because I was in danger of seeming pretentious or judgmental of people's preferences...and I realized I wouldn't want them to be that way to me.

So, I just let them be into whatever they are, and let myself be what I'm into. As long as I can still enjoy my stuff I'm good to go, it allows me to pay more attention and have a better relationship with it anyways (which sounds creepy, but hopefully you don't read it that way, lol).

I've always been the one into the "weird" stuff, and I'm content with that because that's where all the quality is at :P How do you think I came to be on message boards in the first place?! Sorry you're having a hard time!


I know what you mean, Iv started watching an awful lot of movies on my own, and its been almost 9 months since I last went to the cinema with another person and that was a disaster, its just a shame that I can't share my love for movies with anyone else in real life


Going to the movies has, sadly, become a luxury for a lot of people. It's just too expensive and the movies are hardly worth it anymore so I haven't been in a while either.

It is a shame when it can't be more of a shared experience, I always get excited to show someone something, but then take it oddly personally when they don't like it! I'm sure you'll come across someone eventually that shares a similar taste, keep that hope alive. Meanwhile, we're all here for ya!


Yep...I'm in the same boat here. Rarely is anyone ever interested in films I watch. And when I DO go see a film with a friend, there's never any discussion about it, which leaves a rather large hole after the film. That's why I started going to the IMDb MB's 10 years ago.

What kind of films do you like Dreamers? I like an assortment but am mostly a die hard horror fan. Most everyone I know has no interest in horror so I have to watch at home, alone with no one to share it with. It really does suck. 😩

One film I've been waiting to see ever since it was announced (over a year now), is ''Brimstone'' with Guy Pearce and Dakota Fanning. It's finally hitting US theatres on March 10th...almost here...yaaaaaay!!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ But, nobody I know would even be remotely interested in watching it so I'll probably have to go see it alone. I absolutely loooove Guy Pearce! πŸ’• And, of course, no one I know is a fan of Guy's. I really don't have anything interesting in common with anyone I know so I'm pretty much a loner. It's not a fun life. But, thank God for this new message board and hopefully will find some people that share the same interests in films I like. 😊


I feel ya, Styx, I really do!

My tastes tend to just skew towards the weirder and more psychological of things. Give me a good cerebral thriller and I'd probably be putty in your hands, haha. I like dark comedies too, and I do like horror films here and just depends on what kind they are, no thanks to the more torture porn kind of ones. I'm also a fan of classic film anywhere from the 40s-70s. I think my preferences are fairly diverse, but I do still seem to always bend back to the more unconventional fare.

Hence why I'm in that boat with ya!

I haven't heard of Brimstone, but I will look it up. Guy Pearce is great. I don't know how much of his filmography I've really seen, but he's always been enjoyable to watch when I have! I hope you like it!

And I also understand no one wanting to talk about it. Whenever I start to get nerdy about something I just watched, people roll their eyes or sort of giggle about how involved I've gotten with it. Oh well, I'm into what I'm into and I figure if I get joy out of it, even if their reactions hurt, it's still worth it.


Yeah, weird and psychological films are lots of fun too. I'm not big on dark comedy but it mainly depends on my mood at the time. I used to like slasher horror films such as, Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and the like but have pretty much grown out of that...and, like you, I've never been into torture porn either...eeeewwwww! I lean towards supernatural and psychological horror/thriller now. I always love a good ghost story, which is very hard to find these days. I've always been obsessed with ghosts/spirits as I have personally experienced them myself, which was downright awesome! I'm sensitive to stuff like that although, my clairsentience skills are a bit rusty now but I do still have them. Newer films have nothing on the good old the original, Psycho, that was great! Or, The Birds. Hitchcock did a lot of awesome films. I love most all Stephen King films too...he is so warped, I love it!

But I'm like you, the older, classic films are much better than the crap they're throwing out now...and B&W films are often creepier than colored one's too. I've been watching those more than the new stuff these days. Right now I'm watching Stephen King's, Cat's Eye, again. Hadn't seen it in a year or so, so I felt like watching it. Speaking of Stephen King, I think it's about time for a re-watch of the 1980 version of The Shining. Saw that film on the big screen when it first came out and it scared the crap out of me! It affected me longer than ANY horror film I have ever seen in my whole life. For 2 weeks I wouldn't even go to the bathroom! The newer one's, off the top of my head, that I really enjoyed were, Sinister, Insidious, and The Conjuring. Sinister creeped me out the most and left me with a sick, disturbed, uneasy's hard to really describe but it was a feeling that stuck with me for a week or so. It still makes me feel that way after watching it so I don't watch it too often.

Brimstone is more of a period piece but has a lot of violence. It's a western/horror/thriller...interesting combo, eh? It's about 2 1/2 hours long so, yeah...I hope I like it too! Guy Pearce plays an evil reverend, who's out to punish Dakota Fanning's character. The trailers look pretty interesting. I love a lot of Guy's films. Two really good one's are, L.A. Confidential, Guy's US film debut...he played Ed Exley and was excellent in it! And then there's, Memento...a very hard thriller to figure out but different and fun trying to put the pieces together. It usually requires at least 3 or 4 viewings to figure it all out and even, still, it's mind boggling. I loved him as Eric in, The Rover, too but that's not a film for everyone. Lockout was pretty good too...Guy was so buff in that film, he looked fantastic! 😍 πŸ’• There's only about 3 or 4 films of Guy's that I didn't care for but that wasn't because of Guy, just the films themselves that I didn't care for.

I don't even bother trying to discuss films with people I know anymore, they could care less and usually never listen anyway so I gave up wasting my time with it. 😩

Anyways, it's nice to know that I'm sharing the boat with good company, it makes me feel a little less lonely. 😊


I like a lot of the ones you mentioned. Hitchcock is always a must at some point for any film fan, I feel. He's just a master! King is good too, obviously. I haven't seen a ton of his stuff, but I do LOVE The Shining....though I know he doesn't care for it, but yes, I'd recommend giving that one a go again. That movie is just really great at capturing not necessarily straight out horror, but that sensation of dread and being unsettled. It's along the lines of those other films you've described as just sticking with you and you end up kind of carrying it around with you for a while.

I really, really like Insidious. I've seen that one a couple times and it always creeps me out. I herald that one a lot for an example of good modern day horror. I haven't seen Sinister, but have been told too and I haven't seen It Follows though I know that one got a lot of love. I've been meaning to see 'You're Next' too, though that sounds like more of a spin or satire of those types of films...I haven't been able to get my hands on it, so to speak, but look forward to when I can.

I'd say Guy Pearce's best is still Memento. What an awesome movie, I even did a whole essay on that film once for school. See, I told you I like my psychological thrillers, haha! I have seen L.A. Confidential as well, but it's been a while so I don't remember it all that well, I never realized that was his US debut though, cool! And Brimstone actually sounds pretty neat, I'll go look up the trailer.

I wouldn't say I don't bother discussing films with people, but I know that when I do they won't really get what I'm saying or understand why I'm so jazzed about this or that. I mean, how many people want me to go on about some films color scheme for an hour?! :p

So, yes, it's very nice to have folks like you here who DO get it and are so great to have conversations with!

p.s. do you like Kubrick? I feel like he's also a must for any serious film lover, at some point. He also does some pretty creepy and freaky stuff that might be up your horror-fan alley. But I'll throw him in there too since all the ones we mentioned were probably influenced by him in one way or another (and obviously he was directly involved with The Shining)


Yeah, Insidious was really good. I like Patrick Wilson, he's a good actor. I actually own the DVD too...along with Sinister, The Shining and 480 other DVD's. I have quite a library going on of most all genres!

I didn't care much for, It Follows, but, You're Next, was pretty good, you should definitely try and get a hold of that one.

I saw Brimstone but had to watch on my TV because it's not playing ANYwhere within a 40 mile radius of me...I was soooooo disappointed in that!! The closest place I found it playing was in L.A....I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so L.A., over 750 miles, is definitely too far to go for a movie. I mean, it said it was limited but that's just ridiculous! Comcast has it for rent on OnDemand same day as release date...which was yesterday, 3/10 so at least I got to watch it. It was a bit slow but I enjoyed it. Guy and Dakota were outstanding! It was somewhat violent but nothing compared to tons of other films out there and surely nothing I haven't seen before. So many reviews I had read really blew things way out of proportion as they whined about the violence. I reckon they've never seen film with an ounce of violence in their lives. I'm thinking that, Sesame Street, is more their speed. Anyways, I'm watching it again, tonight, with a friend...he probably won't like it because he'll think it's boring...but, oh well...I'm just going to pretend I never saw it πŸ˜‰

Yes, I like Kubrick's, The Shining, but I think that's the only film of his that I've ever watched. I'm really liking, James Wan, as a director with his creepy, atmospheric films...such as, Insidious 1 & 2, The Conjuring 1 & 2, Dead Silence, Saw. He was also producer in those films and several others. I think he's pretty awesome!

You know what? It's nice to be here with nice people like you too. I'm really liking the boat we're in, it's becoming a luxurious yacht! 😁


Patrick Wilson is a great, underrated gem of an actor. He was fantastic on the last season of Fargo as was Kirsten Dunst who seems to get a lot of undue hate or ignored too.

I'm glad you liked Brimestone and got to see it! Even if it was through your tv. I have those problems too, where a film I want to see isn't really playing anywhere near me. I guess it goes to show we maybe have tastes a bit outside of the mainstream. Such is life! I hope your friend likes it though and you do a convincing enough job of acting like you haven't seen it, haha....I rewatch things a ton so I never really try to hide it, but maybe I should try next time ;)

You should check out more of Kubrick's work, that dude was a genius really in the way he composed and envisioned a film. James Wan is cool, he definitely seems to have that corner of film down and I agree, his atmosphere is awesome.

Watch out! This luxurious yacht may just become a cruise ship!


I'll tell you...the first film I saw Patrick Wilson in was, Hard Candy (2005), with Ellen Page. I loved Patrick right away! He and Ellen were awesome in that film! If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you do. I've seen it about 15 times and will continue on seeing it. Never did watch, Fargo, as I don't generally watch TV shows, just movies. Except I DO watch, The Walking Dead, love that show!

Yes, I would definitely say we have tastes a bit out of the mainsteam, I find a lot of films like that more entertaining than the, supposedly, popular films. And my friend never showed up...grrrrrrrrr! Said he was busy doing something and forgot. Yeah...right. So, I watched it myself. I really wanted to watch with someone to share the experience with. I hate when I wait for someone to show up and then they don't. But yeah, try acting like you didn't see something when you get someone to watch with's kind of πŸ˜‰

I'll check out some more of Kubrick's work. I know he's good, have heard lots of praise about his work so, I'll definitely have a looksy.

LoL...I was thinking about the next boat being an ocean liner. πŸ˜‰


I've seen Hard Candy and yes he's great in that. Out of the handful of stuff I've seen him in I don't think he's ever really been that bad or terrible. He did a great job in Insidious 2 too as well, I'm glad they gave him more to work with.

I'm used to just not going to the movies or watching stuff with a ton of people anymore precisely because it's either crap or people don't like the same thing as me.I often have the thought, while watching something, "oh so-and-so would be horrified seeing this," haha. Oh well, if ya gotta watch alone that's what ya do! I feel ya, I go through the same thing. I'm not very good at hiding it when I'm super into something though, usually I try to get someone else into it, I have a fairly okay success rate :P But I get too excited so I don't think my pretending would be too convincing.

o0o0o and ocean liner, I like it! We're going to start having to print boarding passes, hehe


Yeah, I was happy to see that Patrick was playing in Insidious 1&2 and The Conjuring 1&2...hope he and Vera play in the next Conjuring film, I think they will be...if there is another Conjuring...I think there's suppose to be. All 4 of these films were also directed by James Wan, I'm guessing that's also why they were so good! Insidious 3&4 I didn't really care for, they weren't nearly as good...probably would've been if they had Patrick in them and James Wan directing. Lin Shaye was in all of them, I like her too but I think she was the only good part in Insidious 3&4 IMO.

Woohoooo! It says The Conjuring 3 is expected to release in 2018, with Patrick & Vera and James Wan directing...yaaaay! Hope they don't change their minds.

The Conjuring 3

Ditto on the boarding passes! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ‘


Give "Lovely Molly" a look. It's a ghost/demon possession film, not entirely unlike Paranormal Activity, but actually done right, and scary as all hell, virtually unknown.


I saw, Lovely Molly, didn't care much for it...and it definitely didn't scare me at all. And I absolutely hate all the, Paranormal Activity, films. Personally, I don't like ANY found footage films, they all bore me to tears and none of them are scary in the least...not even, Blair Witch, of which I couldn't stand either. Those types of films just aren't my cup of tea. 😳


I am surprised that a family is even still watching a movie together these days. I thought everyone just watches their own thing in their own room.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. I saw watch on your own and just worry about pleasing yourself. But I'm an old grumpy loner, LOL.


I'm only 19 and I think I might already be a grumpy loner, iv been to the cinema on my own 15x over the last few months and enjoyed every time, think it might be the way to go..


Cinema is expensive. How do you have enough money to watch? I have a job and now I am starting to feel the pressure of bills and it's like $7+ to watch a movie at a cinema. You might as well just bootleg movies off a website (without actually downloading them.)


I have a student 'unlimited card' yo, its only Β£15 per month, which I find pretty affordable considering its my favourite thing to do, and I like the experience of going to the cinema its the best way to watch a movie, id kill to see some of my old favourites in the cinema cause its an old movie how ever then yup straight to putlocker


Oh wow, I wish I had an unlimited card. Or maybe cinemas in my area do and I just do not know about it?

Anywho, yes, Putlocker was an option and then they shut it down, at least in the states. Now I am working off another bootleg website, in hopes that it too does not get shutdown.


if your looking for a good alternative try Amazons Fire sick, you can get something called Kodie on it which streams bootleg movies from those website but rendered in HD, its a pretty great alternative when your on the cheap


There are some things that are uncomfy to watch with your parents anyway.
I don't know why going to a movie alone has such a stigma. You shouldn't be talking in the movie anyway so it's not really a 'social' thing. Before the movie and after it can be social, getting food, etc.


I know right, the only reason i like watching movies with other people is its nice to share the experience with someone else who is also excited, otherwise it sucks to be with someone :-(


LOL. I still find it weird why on a date, it is okay to take a girlfriend to a movie? I mean you spend like an hour and a half trying to impress them, when you probably hate the movie or you love the movie and she hates it. You might as well spend that time just talking, while walking around or having lunch/dinner. I am thinking it is more to show that you have wealth (if you're the guy).


You should be glad that your parents watch movies with you. For me, most of the time, it's being far away from family and when my parents do finally come to visit, my mom hates it when my dad and/or I sit idly watching t.v.


You're not alone Excidium, I most always have that problem. No one likes the films that I like so it's a dark, lonely road for me too. 😩


Movie night is chaos in my house. We're all different ages and all have very different ideas about what a good movie is. A bunch of us are talking loudly at one corner, someones checking their phone, or asking "wft did you make me watch?", or trying to pay attention. Noone is 100% happy with every pick. But it's aways a give and take when you're watching a movie with a group of people.

I've learnt not to take disinterest in my offerings too personally. And God knows I have the same reactions to other peoples choice of movies. It's not pleasant, you're still disappointed, but movie watching serves different purposes with different people.

I know I have different tastes, that's why I don't like giving recommendations and watch most movies by myself. Though it's nice to have company sometimes.

Just watch what you want on you own and enjoy yourself. Learn which movies are "social" and which "personal". Plus you never know when a movie you watched might pop up in a conversation, you'll have plenty of opportunities to discuss movies with other people (and we have places like this as well :))

And try to have fun when you're watching movies with your family. It's not always about the movie, just like a dinner with friends is not always about the food ;)


Got like 5 generations in my house, 2-74. Movie night is always a disaster. It's usually for the kids or the old timers. It's impossible to enjoy a film with that crowd anyhow. So basically, i'll watch anything unless it's a movie I actually want to enjoy!


I am a horror fan, and I watch my films alone, usually. That is a great way. I suggest you do that.


Hey, The Forbidden Room is farandaway my favorite film of the last decade, but literally every single flesh'n'blood person I've recommended it to has thought I was out of my mind. Just like what you like and tolerate the philistines!
