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What are you watching tonight?

TGIF. Been a hell of a week and now I'm ready to plop my ass down on the couch and relax. Trying to decide if I should watch Allied or Hacksaw Ridge on demand. Will update this thread when I decide.

What's everyone else watching tonight?

edit - ended up going with Allied. Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but let's just say you shouldn't get romantically involved with co-workers!


Grimm....of season!


I'm about to watch 'A Serious Man.' I know it didn't get a lot of love, but eh, it's playing and I dig the Coen's so why not give it a shot? I'm up for being surprised a bit!


I'm watching Victor/Victoria on the Sling app's TCM on demand and loving it. Drinking the wine that's left in the house and wishing I had a friend like Robert Preston.


One of my fave movies, nice choice! And wouldn't we all want a Toddy to have by our side?


Here's to Toddy! Have a good night my friend.


You too, cheers!


Got the dvd for Manchester by the Sea. (from netflix)


Catching up on Legends of Tomorrow, The 100, and Sunny, checking out the new Blacklist show, and if i'm still feeling jazzy, i'm gonna finally start the new Expanse. Only new movie on deck for the weekend is LOGAN. I want to keep my movie filters clean and clear for the ultimate experience.


Oh nice, those are all shows I watch.

The 100: This season is moving pretty slow for me. I'm thinking it might get cancelled soon. After killing the CoL there really isn't much left to do. I mean yeah, saving the world from radiation and all, but pssh

I saw the new Blacklist show, Blacklist Redemption. It stars Tom Keen, and Lizzy even makes a brief appearance. Kind of weird having it as it's own show. I just really want to find out about Dembe!

I started Expanse but it's moving so slow. Couldn't make it halfway through the first season, and I'm the person that can binge an entire season of house of cards in one weekend.


I have no interest in this season of 100 at all. I'm only still watching cause i'm invested at this point. But that show can slow burn some times, you never know. I didn't love the first season of Expanse. Great production, kind of confusing, hard to follow and slow. I'm told from a few people that the new season is firing on all cylinders and much more focused.


Conjuring 2


Chillin from a good good day. Nothing but background noise (Tombstone) while pecking around here. It's all good.


Season 1 of Australia's Next Top Model on Hulu. I must say, a couple of these girls are staggeringly beautiful. Right now I'm crossing my fingers for Shannon.

Tho in my mercurial/schizophrenic way, I may stop watching at some point.

I wonder when the next Project Runway will air. That really is consistently a good show.

I'm also watching an old PBS series....The Duchess of Duke Street. It's from the 70's. I read the book once when I was visiting my grandmother, so am sort of interested. The production values and camerawork etc. seem so primitive compared to what we see now, but the acting and the story's strong, and that's really what drama's about,'s fine.



My girl Shannon was third runner up : ( They chose an annoying white bread girl as the winner who was also, unfortunately, a chronically depressed whiner. They kept telling her to lose her attitude, she didn't...and then in the end they just gave her the prize anyway.

Is there some puzzling message in there, somewhere? It was weird.
