They make these random noises and are so hyper. I constantly have to turn off play through videos because I just can't handle it they just act so stupid.
I have very high standards for YouTube gamers. You have people like MessYourself, who you're linking to, who really don't have that fun of a personality and rely on exaggeration. Their humour is forced and quite unoriginal. These kind of YouTube gamers are the ones I really dislike.
I prefer the ones with actual personality, who don't exaggerate the situations and try too hard to be funny (so I basically don't enjoy the majority of YouTube gamers). GameGrumps are a good example of YouTube gamers who are actually fun to watch. Hell, their videos are basically mini-podcasts sometimes. My personal favourite is Sips, who's a pretty chill dude and is funny because of his personality, not because of him making insane noises or exaggeration. He can be boring to some for that exact reason, though.
I watch HarshlyCritical. Dude seemed to be exaggerating a bit in the earlier videos, but that eroded over time and seems genuine now.
He also plays some really crummy games alongside the good ones, which is entertaining.
Everyone else I've tried (aside from one person who HarshlyCritical keeps mentioning, ManlyBadassHero or something, but I only tried like five minutes of a video for him) is obnoxious to the point where I can't watch them.
I miss the good old days of Major League Gaming. You got to watch true professionals. Now we just see a bunch of prepubescent kids on Youtube and Twitch cursing in high pitched voices. Sigh.
Most gamers have problems. For if they did not have problems, they would not be gamers. I think everyone with an addiction has problems. People, who usually go from one thing to another thing to another thing, even if they go back to the same thing at some point, are normal people. The message here is to be varied. Going through life, you want to be able to do everything and not settle on one thing.
To be honest apart from some instances like walkthroughs or getting some insight of a game for a future video game purchase, I don’t know why anyone would want to sit and watch someone play a video game.