MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is your favourite movie?

What is your favourite movie?

I've a few but if stretched I would have to say Rocky or maybe Betty Blue (37°2 le matin) at a push.

What about you?


The Fountain (2006). This is possibly a strange sounding choice to some, especially if they have any idea how many great (and not-so-great) movies I've seen.


2006 or 1934? Never heard of it, so I had to look it up, and am curious. (This, BTW, is one of the reasons I LOVE this site!)


2006. ;) I will edit my original comment to clarify. I thought about that when I typed it, but then didn't do it anyway, ha.


Okay, thanks :)




Saving private Ryan,and i must say the resident evil franchise


Seven Samurai.


One of my all-time favorites has always been, The Last of the Mohicans !
That incredibly stirring soundtrack coupled with the cinematography were overwhelming at times.
And then there was the driving, passionate story itself.


Ohhh, steal my heart. This is a good one. I like Clannad's music.


Depends, but right now I'd say my favorite "recent" movie is John Wick 2. The action style is so unique, not like the other shaky cam stuff that you mostly see.


The Terminator. Romance and robots ❤


I'm completely obssessed with the theme ;)
But I must admit I like T2 better than the first one. I was blown away the first time I saw it, a 12 years old kid living in a former comunist country... you can't imagine.
Besides, T1 scared the crap out of me, I was younger and I remember going to bed and being very carefull to cover myself with the blanket to protect me, like it was made of iron or smth :)


The theme is incredible. My favourite score by far.
Ha, I remember the first time I saw T1, I was about 8. I completely fell in love with Kyle Reece and I was terrified when Arnie cut his eye out and sliced off his skin. Then when Reece died at the end I cried. Such an emotional rollercoaster for a kid! Haha.
I didn't love T2 quite as much at first. The reasons being it wasnt as dark or as frightening to me as T1 and also I expected Michael Biehn to be in it briefly, when he wasn't I was gutted. On a second viewing Linda Hamilton's transformation from damsel in distress to badass warrior really hit me. Such a great actress and role. My childhood hero.


I lost it when the skeleton got up from the fire... but, oddly enough, instead of pushing me away, I kept coming back and waching the VHS tape... for the story, Reece didn't tell me anything :)
It's weird that Cameron, as a man, creates strong female characters, just like Sidney Sheldon in his books. Sarah, Mace, the girl in Avatar, Rose, even Arnie's wife in True Lies who ends up becoming a spy...
I very curious about the Terminator reboot he wants to do after he gets his rights back (next year? can't remember exactly...)


Of the last decade...The Forbidden Room.


Das Boot.
