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What TV Shows From the Past Do You Wish Were Making New Episodes?

I mean with the original cast, writing, etc. Not a remake or reboot.

Some I can think of would be Seinfeld, Deadwood, Community, Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23, The Sopranos.

Which would you pick?


The Wire, not the Sopranos because Gandolfini is dead, Freaks and Geeks, Either version of the Office, Mad Men, Downton Abbey, Battlestar Galactica (reboot), Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Shield, Selfie, Boardwalk Empire, The Knick, Southland, Cracker, Prime Suspect, The Fall, The Killing, Car Share, The Bridge (if they could make it like season 1)


I hope The Bridge is coming back. Did they say anything about it? I thought The Knick was excellent and I don't understand why it ended after only two seasons. Well, that could be said for so many shows I like. I agree with your entire list but at least some of those shows had several seasons.


Yeah, probably some of these shows weren't ever officially cancelled. I hear rumors about the Knick every once in awhile but nothing concrete. I just picked shows that still held my interest even after they finished. Considering all the revivals... Arrested Development, Gilmore Girls, Full House... you never know what will make a comeback. I bet Curb will return if the Goldbergs ends.


I think Curb is definitely returning, right? I thought I read that.


Apparently, the Knick is coming back, but with a new cast.


Definitely some good adds to my list, Sentient. Just to clarify, I meant it as more of a wish-fulfillment thing, meaning that the choices need not be possible, as if Gandolfini were still alive, etc. What would you want if anything was possible?


If you mean could you turn back time and make everyone alive or young again maybe I'd add Friends, Homicide Life on the Streets, Sopranos, Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, Old casts of Saturday Night Live, Taxi, Cheers, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits... but old tv shows are on the whole worse than new tv shows. For films it might be better in the past when everything wasn't a sequel or reboot and independent films still made money, but I think we are living through the golden age of television thanks to cable channels and streaming services.


I am gonna have to go with sliders


Dead Like Me.


Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes.


Pushing Daisies, John Doe, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Carnival, Real Humans (The Swedish original). Mainly because I want to see how the stories were wrapped up.

I'm usually ok with shows ending, because when they go on for too long, by the end they're not even the same show anymore.


Yes, I don't usually obsess over cancelled shows... there's so many good shows to watch that I'd just move on to the next one or rewatch an old favorite.


I agree with Sarah Connor Chronicles because they left off with such a cliff hanger. But I don't think the writers even knew where they were going.


Neither did the writers of Lost, but they got 6 seasons and a 2 hour finale :D

John Doe also ended on a huge cliff hanger. Cliff hangers always suck when the show's not comming back.


I would love to see new episode of angel. (The final one they did make was open ended anyways.)
Seems the cast still look good enough to do it ;-)


Deadwood, Rome, Penny Dreadful, Carnivale

OH OH! and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Ever since the election I have been wishing he was still on TV. he did a little bit on Colbert last night and it made me miss him so bad.
JON WE NEED YOU NOW more than ever!


Absolutely! We needed Jon during the campaigns, but better late than never! Somebody, lure him back!

Also, Deadwood needed a final season, or at least a movie, for sure.


How does 'Rome' end? I don't remember.


Vorenus allegedly passes away. Titus walks off with his bastard son - gypo Pharaoh - into a crowded street.


It ends with the end of Antony and Cleopatra, the battle of Actium, and Titus takes his and Cleo's son and starts to tell him about his real father. Lucius Vorenus dies.
I know how the history part went after that, (Octavian/Augustus, etc) but I also wanted to follow the fictional part of the story with Titus and Caesarion. Plus I just liked the way they told the history. I would have loved to see them do everything from Augustus to Nero. I guess the old BBC series "I, Claudius" tells the history part that follows, but it had a very low budget and was staged more like a play, with mostly indoor scenes and people talking about battles, rather than showing them. I LOVED "I, Claudius", I love the acting, but "Rome" was more cinematic.


'Enlightened' - because it's exactly the kind of show that we need more of.

'My So-Called Life' - because as a teenager I really connected with this show and was shocked when I realized that it ended without any closure.


I dunno, I think the way MSCL ended is part of it's attraction. Poor Brian...


Haha, yes poor Brian. I haven't watched it since then but I remember a lot of moments from the show. There was a honesty about it, I don't know. I'd love to see where the characters are now.



Completely agree with Enlightened, and it's on my list too. Along with Life (have you seen it?), starring Damian Lewis, and for the same reasons as wanting to see more new Enlightened episodes.

Mad Men, if somehow they could go back and slow down the timeline, adding new episodes.

The Twilight Zone is another excellent suggestion.

The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd is another of my favorites -- an intelligent sitcom, which not very many people have seen or heard of.

Edited to change Mollie to Molly :)


Catbookss, I never once saw anyone mention The Days and Nights of Mollie Dodd even when it was on. I loved that series. I sometimes felt I was the only one watching it. The writing and acting were excellent. I related to the lead, single woman so much even though she was older than me. I can't remember the year it was on--maybe 1986? It ended too soon with no finale. I also can't remember the network it was on either. I became a lifelong Blair Brown fan after watching The Days and Nights of Mollie Dodd. Brown is a great actress who is underrated.


Ahhhh, another Molly Dodd fan! I know exactly what you mean; I often felt like I was the only one watching it too. No one I knew ever talked about it, except my mom, who was also a fan.

It was the first sitcom I remember that didn't have those annoying laugh tracks. I also loved that it had quite a few great lines that you simply had to catch, because they were delivered like throwaway lines. The only one I remember now is Molly mentioning to someone (I think her mother) the "24-hour haircut channel," LOL! I did a double-take on that one. How perfectly New York, circa the late 80s :D

It was aired on Lifetime, before it became the all-men-stink-and-are-abusive channel.

Blair Brown was so charming as Molly, I became a fan of hers too. I saw her recently guest starring on some show, but can't recall what it was at the moment.

It's never been aired again after it was shown. I went to the DaNoMD board on IMDb and found a few more fans, who said the reason for that was some kind of legal snafu. I think to do with the music they used.


I liked Molly Dodd, too. For what it's worth, Blair Brown had a substantial role in the "Fringe" series, and was a formidable presence, playing an ambiguous friend-or-foe? to the lead character.


Wow, another Molly Dodd fan, in one thread? Amazing.

I've never heard of or seen Fringe. Will have to look it up. Thanks.


Thanks for your information about Molly Dodd. It's nice to communicate with other fans of the show!


Firefly, Jericho and My Name is Earl.


Yep, Jericho.
