MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I Am In Favor Of Deletion Or Categorizat...

I Am In Favor Of Deletion Or Categorization Of Threads Not Movie Related [Thread Closed]

There was a thread I saw on here about religion. I understand that there should be freedom of speech, but neither politics nor religion should be in here. Now, if there is a movie or t.v. series that has either of these, then it should be okay to write about within those threads.


This board is called general discussion, arvin. That means talking about anything. There are movie-specific boards. Most of your own posts here have been completely non-movie-related.


And isn't that why there is a general board for movies and a general board for tv, because the General Discussion board can be about anything? Just my thoughts, but I'm new here.


If it is posted in General Discussion I have no problem with any (general) subject.


Even if we have set categories for them. Would you not think it is a bit more redundant? With movies and t.v. shows being discussed, at least it fits the site's theme!


Nope. Not redundant at all.


The worst message board posters are the little crybabies always trying to control what others can and can't post. They come to boards and right away demand heavy moderation and ignore buttons and strict rules. They are as bad as trolls and spammers.


No, it is more about being a bit more organized. You can write about any topic you want just as long as it fits in that category. The general discussion would be more keyed towards movies and t.v. shows and since it is the first board new members see, it will be more inviting. When new members come onto this site, they see all this chaos on topics that have nothing to do with movies/t.v. shows.


I am in favor of people not clicking on posts that will offend them. I agree that this isn't the place for politics/religion, but I completely disagree with deleting ANY post. Don't click on it. Don't give trolls any ammo. Let other people talk about it if they like.

Nice censorship try though. How about food? Do you want all the posts that talk about food to be deleted? How about sports? Maybe some feminazi out there wants every post that refers to an actress as "sexy" deleted...that's a tough one there, because it might involve a movie scene. There are a lot of slippery slopes with things like this.

People just love control over everything. They just can't leave things alone or let things be. Say whatever you's not because of trolls that that the Imdb message boards got shut's because of people like the OP here, who want everything deleted that might offend or upset them.

I say let the arguments and crazy posts happen, and people are free to, or not to, respond to anything, instead of tattling like kindergarteners to admins every time there is a troll or something posted that someone "might" find offensive. Do some people not realize they can just NOT look at or read something...or just log off the internet? It's not that difficult.


Agreed. The IMDb boards probably shut down due to administrators getting fed up with these little fascists reporting every opinion they disagree with.


The imdb boards shut down because they couldn't make any money from them and didn't want to spend anything to maintain them that had no cash return. Anything else was incidental.


I agree, they closed the boards because they couldn't monetize them. People came up with all kinds of conspiracy theories: they were trying to squelch free speech, people in the entertainment industry were complaining about negative posts and reviews, trolls, etc.

It was about money, period. Didn't hurt that Needham disliked the boards and/or the communities on the boards.


Regulation removes chaos. It had nothing to do with removing freedom of speech. When you have files that need to be filed, you categorize them and this would be the same. Would you like a pile of paper with every topic just thrown into a pile in the middle of the room? No right? (unless your house/office is really that messy).


unless your house/office is really that messy)

Ok, you caught me. πŸ™ƒ


"Regulation removes chaos."

Kinda like Prohibition kept order?


Politics and religion are definitely hot-button topics where people are most likely to get fired up, so I see your point. But I personally think the General board should be "anything goes" as long as it doesn't violate the site tos.


Would you not think it would be a bit redundant though. What about all the tabs specifically made for topics that are written about on here? Maybe if people actually went to those tabs to write about things, they would be more willing to go to other parts of the site where traffic is needed like the message boards.


You can't control how a conversation evolves.It may not start out political or religious but it may end up that way.I think an obviously political/religious OP could perhaps be moved to the relevant board though.
This has always been a beef of yours and you know you're an absolute hypocrite when it comes to posting on this board!
I'd like to see to news threads disappear because they're usually just celebrity pap.


I, more or less, want them moved to the right places. When people get the hang of going to the correct category to write about topics, instead of the discussion board; it will give them the feel of what it is like to spread to message boards, which will increase traffic to different parts of this site.

Of course it has always been a beef of mine. I am all about organization! The general discussion is CHAOS!


One thing I've learned from years in IT is that the users of any information system are gonna do what they're gonna do, however neatly organized and logical the design of that system may be. It used to drive me crazy until I realized that the only effective measure of good software/websites is how well it serves what people actually do, rather than what the designers think they should do.

One of they key draws of MC is its archived Imdb content, so leaving that organizational structure in place makes sense-- you want people to find and reconnect with the boards they visited before the Great Purge. But because you are using a structure that was built over many years to serve an exponentially larger user base, you're can't really have the same expectations for its current usage.

I think the current MC design is a great compromise between the goals of serving the active community and maintaining the familiar imdb structure. Most importantly, the actual "movie chatting" does seem to happen in the right place 95% of the time -- on the board for that film or series. The addition of the "Trending" bar helped make that happen and I think it will only increase now that there is a super-responsive search tool in place.

What really doesn't makes sense are the other imdb refugee boards that don't have the imdb archives but have chosen to recreate all of that same imdb board structure anyway.


Very true!


Like the tomb has only the names,but not the old discussions.


Am I the only one who wouldn't miss the old threads? It was an attraction to start with but I avoid replying to archived threads because,they're mostly a dead end!


No,'re not the only oneπŸ˜‰I admitt,i'm not good in movies,but even the movies that i'm "good" at,the boards are also dead.


You must only be interested in the newest dumbed down blockbusters, those boards have alot of junk posts. The boards for classic movies have valuable discussions and info you can't get anywhere else.


I love that the old threads are archived here. For many old or older films and shows, there would be nothing on the boards were it not for them, and a lot of fascinating, irreplaceable info forever lost.

I still read them, and sometimes reply, even though I know the OP or other posters aren't here and will never see my response. Fairly often I see MC members -- some new, some not -- replying to old IMDb threads. While I wish those posters were still here, realise their posts have been responded to, and could reply, their posts are interesting, regardless.

Also, there are a number of old films and shows I haven't yet seen. Those boards don't get a lot of new posts -- sometimes none, since The Great Purging -- so I appreciate being able to read the old threads on those boards.


Have you found any of your old IMDb posts?


Yes, as well as many of those from my former, MIA, iMDb friends. I've run into a few of them who've found their way to MC, here and there, but wonder where many others ended up. Wish I had some way to contact those who are MIA and let them know about this site.


Yes,it's a shame it really is.I think we all thought we had time to sort things out or connect via other places.Then we woke up on Feb 20th and it was just gone.

Plus there were so many different alternative boards I suppose people scattered left,right and centre.
I'm glad I've reconnected with a couple of people from IMDb,I hope more show up.

I'm also happy to have met lots of great new people.


Arvin,you know that these "dreams"will never come trueπŸ˜‰


Well, it is always good to put ideas out there.


Yes,arvin...but many ideas and sugestions were made and how many came trueπŸ˜‰


The ones that did come true, would not have, if they were never suggested.


Call me wathever you want,arvin,but I don't see any sugestions made by members that actually become trueπŸ˜‰


The notification alerts on this site were once a suggestion from members. The ignore list was another.


Perhaps you're right,Arvin...I wasn't here at the beginning of this site...πŸ˜‰




For what it's worth, I am not in favor of deleting threads. Let's all put our adult underpants on.


Even if it means denying an attempt at a cleaner site to visit, where discussions take place in their proper areas and there is not chaos of hundreds of topics in one section?


I respectfully disagree. The more threads, the better I say. If you don't like a thread, just don't visit it.


"He's dead."


It's not about not really liking a certain topic as much as being barraged by multiple topics that have nothing to do with what the site stands for. You would expect the general discussion of a movie site to be about movies and t.v. shows. We still have separate sections for the topics discussed in this section. All we would have to do is move those topics to their correct areas of this site.


I have to disagree as well, arvin. General discussion means just that. You yourself have started threads in this section on supermarket employee pay, tinted car windows, car registration, drivers, national flip-flop day, life in general, minimum wage, comparing jobs to hunting groups, the affordability of fast food, getting free food, bugs in your house, hiring lawyers, how people vote, etc....
