Just came across this website earlier this week. I have been a longtime user of IMDb for both reviewing films and chatting about them on their boards, which as everyone should know by now, is now closed. For that reasoning alone, however, I do plan to visit this site much more often.
In any case, this seems like a great community here that also looks and feels just like IMDb. On that note, I look forward to discussing great films and TV shows with you all from here on out.
Thank you! I look forward to our time here knowing that our message boards have been restored on a site that looks and feels incredibly similar to IMDB.
Agreed. Speaking of which, did you see Jim's latest message where he announced that we can now receive e-mail notifications for our posts and those who reply to them? Once he mentioned that, I immediately typed my e-mail in. Makes it much easier to keep track of all your posts too.
Man, this site is getting better and better every day! I can guarantee you that I'm not going anywhere!
OOOPS! Sorry for late reply jmc, silly me, I forgot to check my email...lol. But, yes, I saw that awhile ago and also, immediately typed in my email. I've been waiting for this! π
Yeah, this site is so awesome! I come back each day with great anticipation to see what's new. And I'm with you...I've set up camp here and I'm not budging! π
No worries! I also find myself coming back here more often as well (actually more than I ever have with IMDB) in anticipation of all the great new stuff that Jim is continuing to add by the day. I really like the fact that he is open to suggestions too. That is just one of the reasons why this website is my new home for all things related to TV series, movies, and most importantly, the discussion of these things too. ;)
Same here, I am just overwhelmed with excitement over this site! I've spent more time here in the past 4 days than I have at IMDb in a month. Jim is doing such an incredible job for us all...he is truly a God-send in my book!
I was not a huge poster on IMDb but always loved going there, after watching a movie, to read other people's opinions, insights and what have you. It was one of the most resourceful ways of really understanding certain things that I may not have understood correctly or things I may have missed...or forgotten. Anything I wanted to know I could usually find an answer. I literally depended on it as my short term memory has flown out the window so I forget a lot of things...often times as bad as poor Leonard on Memento. It's very frustrating!
All in all, I'm just glad, after IMDb's shut down, that we're all able to continue where we left off here in our new, beautiful home. π
"Jim is doing such an incredible job for us all...he is truly a God-send in my book!"
Amen to that! I was so happy to see such a similar and well organized website that I believe to be a superior replacement to IMDB! Jim is indeed a great guy as well! Can't thank him enough for all of the hard work that he puts into this wonderful site on a daily (and likely hourly) basis! I was also delighted to have successfully carried over my IMDB username as well!
Speaking of IMDB, somebody recently posted on here that IMDB's web traffic has since taken a huge nosedive after the boards were closed down on February 20th. Serves them right. Apparently they had a huge spike in web traffic just a few days before they closed them, which should be telling them something about how much their message boards meant to everyone. This only tells me that IMDB was sorely mistaken about how important their message boards were to most users. They claimed that barely any users were on them anymore. Based off the amount of posts that I have noticed over the years, I respectfully disagree with them on that.
I'm using a different username, got tired of the old one so I thought, a fresh username for a fresh start. My IMDb username was woodstock1960.
Glad to hear that IMDb is doing so poorly in the traffic zone...hahaha...serves them right! I pretty much figured that was going to happen. I mean, really, what reason does anyone need to go there for anymore? There's nothing there that you can't find elsewhere. Next thing I'd like to see is them dropping down on search results. Like when I go to Google a movie, they're always the first on the list. I don't want to see that anymore. But, unfortunately, it may take awhile to knock them down the list but it would be nice to see. And yeah...they definitely lied about the amount of users they had!
Nothing wrong with starting fresh! Sometimes that's the best way to go! I think I do recall seeing your "woodstock" name over there as well. Good to be among friends, I always say.
I hear you about how useless IMDB truly is now that their message boards are toast. The only thing that you can really do over there now is browse for films, actors, actresses, and TV series, and review films. Big deal! No wonder they're losing people's interest now. If their web traffic continues to tank, then they might have to think of something quick to boost enthusiasm. If not, then they should shut down. I, for one, won't miss them at all...not after how they abandoned us.
I also agree with you about the drop down search results. Speaking of which, if you do have any suggestions at all, feel free to let Jim know through the "Lists and Recommendations" message board or e-mail him at [email protected] :)
That's how I look at it. π Yeah, you probably have seen me there, I was scattered all over the place...only films though, not general boards or TV shows and such, just whatever films I watched...and some actors boards. I'm pretty sure I've seen you too. There's actually quite a few names I recognize here. Yes indeed, it's surely nice to be among friends. π
I'll tell you one thing, even if IMDb decides to bring the boards back, I'm never going back there again. I deleted my 10 y/o account right after they shut the boards down...without hesitation. If we aren't worthy, then neither are they. I'm staying away from Amazon too. I read a thread on the General board that they're dropping in the stock market...hahaha...I love it! Don't know if it's because of the IMDb MB's but who cares, it's still great.
I also used IMDB pretty regularly as well...and was anywhere from the movie message boards to the TV message boards as well.
I'm with you about ever going back there again though. The way I see it, if they choose to look upon me and others as disposable, then I shall look upon them in the same manner. I say, let them fail!
Hi jmcd, it's great you came! This place is where I find solace after the IMDb message boards vanished. I'm posting more in here than I ever did on IMDb because I'm trying to help this place flourish into an active community like IMDb once was.
I have to agree with you. Everything about this website seems very similar to IMDB. Love the ability to create topics and reply to others once again. I'll do my best to tell others about this website too, as I would love to see even more people come here as well.
I have to agree with you on the great community so far. It seems like a nice improvement over some of the trolls that stormed IMDB's boards over the years.
True, people aren't so bad in here. Its feeling is quite warm and inviting isn't it? Something tells me I'll be sticking around for a good long while. I just have to be careful not to get too absorbed and enter the dark path of addiction, argh ><
Whoops....look like it happened to me too, as I have a similar unfinished previous post as well. Oh well. Glad that Jim gave us the heads up....as I'm sure he's working on some great new updates as we speak. I can't wait! :)
Babe...I lol'd at it but the rest of my post failed to show up with it. I was just in agreement with what you said and thought the addiction line was funny as I know exactly what you mean. π
My apologies...but there appears to be a glitch in the system, Babe. I initially gave you a longer reply, but it didn't show up as intended.
As you may know, Jim is currently working on making some nice new improvements to the site, so this likely explains why I, along with StyxNyx, had some issues with our last post.
Yes I realised soon after I made a similar post with the symbol (I won't use the symbol as it makes things disappear, but it's the one that is used when writing a heart) and everything vanished. I hope Jim is aware that his script is interfering with the use of certain symbols otherwise this board is going to be filled with half posts and confused souls xD
No worries! Speaking of symbols and such, I already put in a suggestion to Jim to add some sort of emoji keyboard to the boards just like how IMDB once had it set up. I personally view it as a nice little add-on to enhance our conversations. :)
Me too. Sometimes I think I got carried away with them...well, at first I did but then I tapered down a little. Didn't want people to think I was nuts...lol.
I have a younger sister that loves to spam me with emojis on my phone all of the time. I have an Android and she has an iPhone. The latest iPhone update actually expanded the amount of emojis that you can use, but I can't put my finger on what the newer ones are without asking her first.
All in all, though, the use of emojis does make the conversation a little more fun though!
Welp, think I'm going to hit it for the night. Been real nice chatting with you, jcm, will see you tomorrow...sometime if you're on...and I have a sneaking suspicion you will be. π G'night, have a good one! π
Hey StyxNyx! I received a reply from Jim today through e-mail. He mentioned that he may/probably put the emojis on the message boards sometime in the near future. Just thought that I would let you know.
Yep. I've sent him an email describing the bug; if I tried explaining the issue in here, the bug would delete itself :@
Though I have a feeling my email will end up getting buried under tons of fanboy mail, tossed knickers and love letters. So close, yet so far... Oh Jim.
I hear you there concerning your last sentence in that post. I'm finding myself coming here more often than I ever did with IMDB. Sorry about my previous post as well. Here's hoping that this one will show up as intended.
Hi! I may have talked with you over on the IMDB message boards before.
To answer your question, yes it was and still is....although I think it's safe to say that I probably won't be visiting that website much anymore. Not after the message board fiasco.
In any case, I decided to keep the same username so that users over on IMDB that came here would know who I am. I had a picture of James Bond star Pierce Brosnan in front of an Aston Martin as my avatar too.
Note to the creator and moderator of this site, Jim:
If at all possible, could you please bring back the option for adding avatars to our usernames? If so, I'd be thrilled!
I currently watch TV shows like "The Blacklist" (NBC) "Gotham" (FOX) and "Scorpion" (CBS) and often hung around those boards a lot.
When speaking in terms of movie interests, I often enjoy films that range from action, comedy, and drama....with a select few romantic comedies as well ("You've Got Mail" and "Sleepless in Seattle" are a couple of good examples of that).