MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > ONE THING IMDb LACKED And Another Way to...

ONE THING IMDb LACKED And Another Way to Stimulate Movie Discussion: Following Thread Feature [THREAD CLOSED]

When people posted on specific threads, the replies would only go to that specific person. Since this was the case and probably the best way to do it, many people, who had posted years and years ago; would never be alerted to reply back.

Now I could see one con to doing this- the reason they made it that way was so that the OP would not be barraged with unsolicited notifications.


Liking threads? That could also stimulate discussion. It would be kind of like the facebook like button and would also push intriguing threads to the top.


No way! A troll would just use his hundreds of socks to like his own threads straight to the top.


What if we limited it to one like per thread?


Well, what I suggested in my previous reply was one like per thread... but from different sock accounts. Real user only have 1 account, a troll can have many. Troll wins.


But then they only have one like per account. I would wonder just how many accounts a troll would make to bump his/her thread. I could not imagine more than 5. I would get so tired making them.


If trolling is tiring, there would be no trolls.


Well, it is pretty much a voluntary effort. I mean trolls do not exactly get paid a lucrative wage for their doings right? It definitely would not be a career choice.


Would love it if notifications were for any comments on threads posted-on/originated... its nice to keep track of discussions...


I think that would be the greatest of all additions. Only drawback is the fact that your notifications would increase 2x. Of course, I would expect their to be a button to where you could turn it off. The other route would be "following" and so you are in control of whatever thread's notifications you would receive.


Here's to hoping that one of these features, or all of them, will be implemented.


And we still have other ideas waiting in the queue.


The first half of the year is over and we are awaiting some changes.


We had passed the middle of the year on July 2, 2017 and still no changes...

What is going on?


See,that'a what i'm talking about,it seems like no one listen to our sugestions.At least they keep watching and give warnings when you make a mistake😉


Well, we need Jim or one of the mods to pass along this info.

Who is watching and giving warnings?


For example,i got a warning from moderator 2 a while ago for not talking too much and use too many symbols😉


What?! You were in trouble for not writing too much on here?

You do kind of use some symbols; although, writing to me, you never seem to. Additionally, neither emoji nor symbol I cannot see anyway because of either my browser or my computer.


Yes, isn't a joke.I told him that i am a short talking person and many times i use emojis to express my's kinda funny...and pathetic.


I guess it is because they found it spammish. Think about people who post like two worded replies. Then again, I would not see it as a problem unless you were doing it on purpose. If you were just responding with short phrases and it was on topic, then you should not be blamed.


Well,it was on topic,and if i have something to say about anything to anyone i do it,but in not too many words😉


There is nothing wrong with getting straight to the point.


Indeed...but some people don't like the straight approach,oh by the way i've seen that you mentioned me in a couple of your posts...i was right after all 😉


The one below you mean? You never replied to it.

But it is harder to respond to something that is to the point. You need to ask a question at the end of your short answer to stimulate more conversation.


Well,i didn't get any notification for those,i just saw them a few minutes ago.


Yeah, it was a stand alone comment. Ah well, I guess I cannot make people comment on posts that I have not replied to, to notify them.


Next time,if you want to mention me on your posts,please notify me "i hate playing other people's games"...sorry it was a quote of Ada's😉


I have to understand that this is not facebook. On facebook, as you probably know, you can tag people in posts.

Hey! Maybe that could be yet another added thing?


Really?i didn't know that,i'm new on facebook.Arvin you have so many ideas for improving this you actually believe that this ideas will be take in consideration ?


Probably not.


Well,after what i saw i'm sure of it😉


Man, croft, these suggestions take a long time to put in.
