MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


Someone mentioned this page to me
I'm the owner of

We do have boards in the making at
...or they can be accessed from any tv/film discussion board

Only threw that up in the past 30 mins, new boards can be added in a few secs at request

As for someone up above saying the new site is all buggy, you're the first to bring it to many attention


Agree. It seems to me like this was a newer alternative to the others and has lost out on many of the migrating IMDB users as a result, which is a shame because the format and simplicity make this among the best ones. It probably would have won the majority had this been offered up earlier on and the word spread all over.

As it is this is the most popular board on this site and the 5th or 6th post down hasn't shown any activity since over an hour ago. Not a good sign.


QUOTE: Not enough people here

^ Comment overheard in the Garden of Eden.


"patience, grasshopper."


I don't know that I necessarily WANT to be where "everyone is"....considering that the IMDB boards had declined in posting quality over the last five (?) years or so. There was so much in fighting and trolling that it got a bit foul. Of course one wants a nice big community to exchange many ideas and lots of info...but imdb (or parts of it) HAD kind of turned into a bit of a monkey house, No? So I think whoever comes up with the best formatted site will draw the most people, eventually. I'm in no rush, myself.


the term is "in-fighting"...

welcome home!


Your FACE is in-fighting! (just kidding)




This is actually a huge improvement from 6-7 days ago. It may seem slow, but we're also comparing it to the IMDB "golden years" of not that long ago, with its peak attendance.

Every day I'm seeing more and more activity in popular subforums like Horror, Film General, and Movie Awards. And even some in Trekkies and the dreaded Political and Religious forums (I say "dreaded" because 90% of threads there devolve into a cat fight).

When you see a last reply say "2 hours ago" or "45 minutes ago" that means it's aliiiiiive. It's alliiiiiiive!!


I agree with Cookie.L.A.
