Blocking users

Okay, MovieChat - this is it! Day One of the post IMDb Message board age. Seriously: F*** the IMDb!!!

So, as we all know, the IMDb boards were full of trolls and really stupid people. Therfore: If I could make a wish: Please make it also possible here to block specific users!

That's all.


Totally. These trolls ruined so many message boards.


Truly, and thank you. This site, so new, desperately needs an anti-troll policy. I know that Jim (Saint Jim) is busy with other things, hope that he gets around to some kind of troll block. It would make the place wildly popular I am almost guarantee it. So many ex-IMDB folk near homeless on the Web...


totally ruined "The Walking Dead" page.


Could we maybe put together some moderators who can assist with the administration of trolls? e.g. reviewing posts, blocking/banning if we're in agreement, etc?


I agree and make the block work both ways. A few stupid trolls use to follow users around IMDB and reply to every post they made even if you put them on ignore you'd still see someone on your block list replied. So I don't want to see a certain user I don't want them seeing me either.


I've seen that happen too Faridah. You get into a fight with someone, so you put them on "Ignore", only you can see that they're still replying to you, and sometimes even on other boards. So while you're "Ignoring" them, they're stalking you (and getting in the way and messing up all of your discussions!)

After reading through this thread again, I think we need to make it crystal-clear what the difference is between "Ignore" and "Block" as I'm not sure that I understood the OP's (and others) request correctly when they say that they want a "Block" (as they may just want IMDb's "Ignore").

"Ignore" is where you can't see (or reply to) someone's posts anymore.
"Block" is where they can't see (or reply to) your posts anymore.

So I like Faridah's idea where it works both ways in that it's a combination of the-two. So whenever you "Block" someone, you can't see their posts, and they can't see yours.

Now, if at some point you decide that maybe you acted too hastily, you can still "un-block" them. The other person (to get you back) might decide to "block" you, but that's the price that you might have to pay when deciding to block someone in the first place.

I still think it's the best way to go.


Agree with this completely ! Much like FB blocking which has worked for me beautifully.


I've seen that happen too. It's pathetic to see what links trolls will go to just to annoy the hell out of people and ruin a good time. 😠


I totally agree!


And if you make the "blocking" or even an "ignore" feature , please make it easier than did IMDb. You had to click on the name, give a reason, then the page refreshed, and you had to go back to the message thread page AGAIN. Ignoring people was a multi-stage process, and very "off-putting".
