MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did you delete your IMDb account?

Did you delete your IMDb account?

I didn't see much reason to stay there anymore and have just deleted my account. Not sure if I will ever go back now, as the message boards were a huge part of me using IMDb (even if I read more than I post).


You can import all your ratings, watch list & other lists from imdb to Letterboxd which is a great site (no forums though)


There is one way to ensure Facebook doesn't take over (what passes for) discussion on the internet...

Don't use it. That's been my policy since it began. And that goes for it's mentally-handicapped cousin, too...Twitter.


I don't like Facebook in general.

For one thing, it opens you up to creeps who will spy on you and your personal life. Also, you can actually lose your job or suffer professional consequences depending on what you post of yourself on social media. And I like being able to just share opinions with people with the comfort of being anonymous. It's just minds talking about things and sharing ideas without us knowing how many dogs we own or what each other's girlfriend looks like.


Evil_VHs, it's not like the discussion can be replicated in facebook anyways, I wouldn't think too much about it. Facebook doesn't allow organization in the way this site does, there's no boards for each movie but chaotic comment feeds instead.


It won't make any difference so you might as well keep your account. Col Needham does not give a sh!t about a few thousand deleted accounts. What is he thinking? "Oh no, IMDbsucks just deleted his account! I better re-instate the boards ASAP! What was I thinking?!?" My left foot.


Deleted mine and my wife deleted hers. Easy-peasy.


No, I did not.


No i still have my Imdb account i logged off a day before the boards shutdown.
