MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > They couldn't even let us keep them unti...

They couldn't even let us keep them until midnight.

Bastards. I'm NEVER going back there.


IMDB is a piece of crap after their move today. 11,000 signatures on one petition mean nothing to them, it's pathetic. Not going back there unless the forums are restored.

Glad this site is here.


"I didn't finish archiving the threads I wanted to before it was gone. Low and behold they're not even on this website because they're not "top movies" -_-"

There's a chance it will appear later. Some of the newer movies were archived. Maybe it just takes a while for everything to update.

At one point, there were no archived actor threads at all. But after an update, we can now see them.


It's like they gave us the middle finger and then that middle finger sprouted its own hand and gave its own middle finger. That's the sort of 'fuck you' they were giving us.
