MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How long until all these IMDb replacemen...

How long until all these IMDb replacements are shut down?

Now that the IMDb boards are officially gone how long will it take before all the replacements disappear? Theres no way this one lasts as its literally copying IMDb...

Fuck IMDb. What a bunch of cowards.


Also this site needs tons of work. No edit button and the layout is ugly inside of the threads. Very messy.


False accusation when you state that there's no edit button.

EDIT: After you post, you can either Edit or Delete said post.
Just look at your older posts and you'll see.


That was posted 3 years ago. At the time there was no edit button yet.


Why would they care? They're no longer offering a product to be competed with. Shutting down these little sites would just be pointless and mean-spirited at this point.


Yeah I know but it seems like this is sort of stealing their identity. Idk how all the copyright stuff works but I feel like something is probably violated especially with the logo on this website.


The admin did his homework so it should be ok. I Just read this in - Welcome to - from general discussion section:

''2. Are there legal concerns about archiving IMDB's posts?

No. Before I became a software engineer, I was a lawyer for 4 years practicing in the IP and copyright space, and thus I have a deep understanding of the current situation, which is partly why I decided to start this site. Furthermore, I have spoke with several individuals at AMZN/IMDB, all of whom state that the message boards are of absolute minimum value/concern to the company, and it is highly unlikely that the company would pursue any legal action should someone attempt to archive the boards. In fact, IMDB was actually considering creating an API / data extraction tool to allow users to retrieve whatever they wanted before the boards shut down, but they decided it just wasn't enough of a priority for them (it wouldn't bring in any revenue, so why should they do it?). The (much) more likely scenario is that a few individual users may directly request to have their posts removed (much like you can request Google to remove personal information about you from its search results). Such an action would have a very minimal effect on the overall content of our site.''


To be honest, it's just a gold box. Not to mention, there's no competition, so what is there to violate? Not like they have a board up anymore.


Yeah, I don't think there's a trademarked color called "IMDB Yellow/Gold". I think at least that part's safe, and according to Jim so is everything else


Interesting. I hope all of that is true and this stays up because this feels nice as its almost exactly like IMDb. We'll see...

And not to be picky or anything but they definitely need to fix the way threads look. Its way too jumbled up right now. Oh and get an edit button.


I don't think it matters. It would be super petty of them.

This board is new. I'm sure over time it will improve. Donating might help.
