Pushing Daisies

Are there any fans of Pushing Daisies on here? It was a very quirky show, very reminiscent of Big Fish in regards to its aesthetic. Personally, I find that it was a travesty that this show was canceled. In the scheme of the things, it's not hard to see why it was canceled, it was probably too weird or off beat for most viewers, so they gave it a pass.

I own the second season on DVD and I was a little underwhelmed how it ended. If it wasn't for the internet, I wouldn't have known this show existed (I watched all of Season One online). So what do you think of Pushing Daisies?

"Life is like a movie. Only you can't pick your genre."


The episodes I saw I really liked, very intriguing premise. But I decided not to get too attached because I figured it would get canned.
