MovieChat Forums > Games: RPG > Survivor: Samoa sign-ups! 5 spots left -...

Survivor: Samoa sign-ups! 5 spots left -1st choice for everyone pre-game

Hi guys!

So I have been away again due to real life (sorry), and this is a recurring thing, but I just feel so excited to start something up here again, just at a much lower pace due to how little activity this board has.

Would anyone want to play?

I need 14 characters (I'll extend to a few more if there's a lot of sudden interest), considering how most people here just check now and then. You can put in a second character, NPC, who will be more likely to be one of the first to go.

Tribes are picked at random. No need to ask for a specific tribe to be on.

Also, please check the whole thread for questions for the first episode, the answers you give me affect the storyline!

Spot for Lex_Sparky
Spot for Scorpion
Spot for cooltu

Galu tribe:
1. Kenneth Owens (29) - DanielB224
2. Catherine "Cathy" Carlisle (30) - Elphie
3. Tia Sanderson (23) - DanielB224

Foa Foa tribe:
1. Eric West (25) - Dinoman
2. Gavin McCoy (19) - mine/NPC
3. Andy King (21) - mine/NPC

It will be based on Survivor: Samoa. You sign up with a character using the sheet below and during each episode (in RPG terms: scene), you may get choices that I'll PM to you that will affect the game. episode 1 on youtube in parts.

Character sheet:
Your strengths:
Your weaknesses:
Your fears:
Family & relationships:
Why do you think you should be the sole survivor?:
What are you going to do with the money?

You can play as yourself but use a celeb or survivor player as your picture. As you can see by the sheet, it's more short as a profile.

Based on your profiles, whether or not someone is injured or sick, mentally feeling well or not, etc., I guess which tribe would win the Reward and Immunity Challenges. For these I'll just link to youtube so you see how they play out.

At the end of each scene, I ask the same 2 questions:
- Do you want to align with someone? If so, who?
- Do you have a target? If so, who and why do you want them out?
PM me your answers.

Voting someone out:
- If your tribe has lost, you and your tribe will have to vote somebody out. I will ask you guys to PM me who you're voting for from your tribe.

- You can discuss or make a plea to be saved on the boards, but you may also PM a fellow player in your tribe if you want to strategize.

- In your PM with your vote, you will also give me your voting confessional, which is where a player holds up their slip of paper and says the name of the person they're voting for to the camera, and some reasons why if they have to (or even take a shot at said player).

The person with the most votes leaves.

In the event of a tie, a revote happens where everyone except for the people in the tie will PM me their new vote. If then there's still a tie, it will go to rock phase where each player, whether they had votes or not, will pick a rock from a sack. The one who draws the purple rock has to leave the game and this is completely at random.

Other choices:

Before the game starts, I want all of you to PM me what your character would say and think of some of their fellow players based on their profile. I also want you to tell me which one of them would you think makes the best leader.

You may also see a message in my posted scene to one or more players with an important choice they should tell me for the next scene.

The sole survivor:
The last person standing will win a million dollars. But you will have to go through a long 39 days living on a deserted island and go through Tribal Councils where you have to avoid being voted off.

Once there are only 3 people left, the Final Tribal Council happens. Here, all three of you have a chance to plead to the jury why you deserve to win. The jury consists of the last few contestants who have been voted out and they get the chance to ask you questions. Then finally each juror will PM me who they want to win. So you might want to keep people on your good side!

This will be a more interactive game with possibly shorter scenes. A lot depends on you guys!

Any interest??


I want to put in my character who, depending on how many people we get, is an early boot or could be adopted by someone.

Aside from personality, it's mostly done and I hope it can also give you guys some direction and ideas of what to do for your character.

Name: Andy King
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: College student with a soccer scholarship.
Appearance: Average height and weight, slightly more built with toned legs from years of playing soccer. He has dark hair reaching his ears, a bit of facial hair, brown eyes that glisten a lot and give him a bit of a 'vulnerable' expression.
His clothes are a blue striped t-shirt with a similar blue t-shirt underneath, jeans shorts, his soccer shoes, a long warm grey vest during the nights and black swim shorts.
Your strengths:
- Teamworker: He grew up as the 3rd of 4 boys has always had to share something from early age (room, candy, etc.) and it helped him playing soccer, where he once again had to work together to reach the goal. He brings people together easily and is good at giving pep-talks. Being a defender on the team definitely helps, too.
- Friendly: Andy likes getting along with everyone and always tries to create a positive atmosphere. He likes talking to and meeting new people and doesn't really join in on gossip or trash talking. There will be many people who won't mind aligning with him.
- Fit & fast: Years of playing soccer have given him a good physique and he's pretty fit. He's used to having to run around for a long time giving him quite some stamina and being able to outrun people for a while.
Your weaknesses:
- Pushover: As the downside of being liked, Andy will often need only a little convincing to go along with what people want and people know this about him. Some of the more aggressive or manipulative players may see him as an easy target to use because he'll mostly just do what they want.
- Forgiving: Because he'd like everyone to just get along, he tends to brush things aside and accept things that he maybe shouldn't, or at least should expect a decent apology for. He's had a fairly easy childhood and been raised with lots of optimism, so he genuinely thinks that people can change. Even *ssholes.
- Stuffs things down: In order to keep the peace and keep things positive, as an addition to the above, he tends to just swallow whatever he's feeling and brush it aside for the sake of getting along. He's not always in tune with his feelings and often laughs things off, even when he really should be worried. It has also kept him from making a lot of very close friends, he's more of an every-man's friend but his deeper friendships can be counted on one hand.
Your fears: Loneliness. He knows he's a fun, nice guy so he can get people to keep him company, but on his own, without direction from someone else, he would be quite uncomfortable and wouldn't really know what to do.
Family & relationships: Father, Frank, a construction worker; mother, Marissa, a high school teacher of English; older brothers Brady and Kevin; younger brother Greg.
Why do you think you should be the sole survivor?: "I am good at making connections and can get along with anyone. I would make sure to play as fairly as possible without much blood on my hands. People would want to vote for me because I hadn't done much to p*ss them off."
What are you going to do with the money? "Pay off any money for school and buy a car so I can drive myself home when I want to see my family, or just need to go somewhere. Public transport takes such a long time!"
