MovieChat Forums > Lists and Recommendations > kid outwitting bad adults, like burglars...

kid outwitting bad adults, like burglars a.o. criminals

Hello everybody,
when I watched the classic "Home Alone" (1990) one more time, some days ago, I thought there must be lots of other movies which have a similar plot:
Young actor witnesses a crime -or an attempt or preparation to commit a crime- and then he manages to "fight back", to outwit the bad guy, and in the end, hopefully, the criminal goes to jail.
This should be especially interesting when the kid gets wind of the bad adult's plans (or actual deeds) before all the other adults do. And when he tries to convince them, at first nobody would believe him. I think the movie "A Boy Cried Murder" (from mid 1960s, as far as I know) seems to depict just the kind of plot which I would like... This particular one I haven't watched as yet, but I'm sure there are many similar ones.
Recommendations welcome!
Kind regards
Andreas (123all4me)



Hello MichiganJFrogg :-)
thanks for these interesting suggestions! I must admit I've never heard of any of these... but I'll try to find The Borrowers first.
After I had posted my request another movie came to my mind which is exactly what I'm looking for:
Witness (in German it's called Der einzige Zeuge = The only witness) - I found Lukas Haas' performance just excellent; and even those parts of the movie when he isn't on screen are very interesting, as we learn much of the Amish People's way of life. Great movie!
Kind regards
Andreas (123all4me)



Big shots (1987).Haven't seen it since i was a kid but i think it fits the mold.2 kids who outwit both the police and the criminals.


Hello horrorfan000,
thank you very much! I'm collecting primarily movies featuring boy actors; and 1987 does fit into my favourite period of time, as to the years of production.
I'll try to find this one - you made me curious! I must admit Ricky Busker doesn't sound familiar to me although I've read hundreds and hundreds of reviews at BA, over the years (which is, I think, by far the best database about young male actors :-)
Kind regards
Andreas (123all4me)


Your welcome.Not sure how the movie will hold up today but i remember really liking it as a kid.


when I thought about various young actors from the U.S., one of my favourites came to my mind - Ricky Schroder (oh well, I guess I'm a little bit "obsessed" by his early movies, hahaha); perhaps I may ask you an off-topic question (I don't want to start a new thread just for this), "just for the sake of curiosity": I'm pretty sure "Little Lord Fauntleroy" is on air in the U.S. every year, around Christmas; but what about these: Do they still air "The Champ" on TV in the U.S. sometimes, or would you estimate that it's rather "forgotten"? And what about "Last Flight of Noah's Ark"? (which received much booos and hisses at imdb, but still, I like that innocent and "schmaltzy" little Disney flick ;-)
Kind regards


Sorry i was away from my computer for a bit.Never seen them.I believe i've seen the Champ airing on some channels here and there over the years but have never watched.What i know of Ricky Schroeders childhood acting is mainly from watching Siver spoons reruns as a kid.


Any of the 3 Ninjas movies
