Atheist v. Agnostic

OK, and atheist is one who does not believe in God. Am I correct in assuming that they also deny any form of after-life? In other words, from an atheist's point of view, the only thing Mozart is doing now is decomposing.

What is the name for a person who believes in a higher power, but does not believe in a specific higher power such as God, Jesus, Allah, or "The Force". I had always thought that this was the definition of agnostic, but now find that an agnostic is one who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Since theists on this board seem to despise atheists, how do they feel about agnostics?


So they can believe in an afterlife, Jesus, the virgin Mary, Heaven and Hell, sin, the human soul, angels, demons, Satan, purgatory, eternal life etc.?
Yes, they could. I doubt many do, but it's certainly possible.

If I could stop a rapist from raping a child I would. That's the difference between me and god.


Agnosticism is unbelief or skepticism. An agnostic would say they have no opinion in the absence of evidence. If you claim there are unicorns circling Jupiter, the onus is on you to provide evidence and until then I have no opinion nor am I obligated to take it seriously.

Once you make your argument and include any evidence you have and if it is unconvincing, furthermore if there is no scientific evidence for unicorns circling Jupiter, then a person who disbelieves in your unicorn idea would be an atheist from your perspective.

Everyone is an atheist, not everyone is agnostic.


Unless I'm wrong, I always thought an Athiest is someone who believes Gods do not exist.

An Agnostic (which is what I am) is someone that believes there could be a God behind everything - however, the Agnostic requires proof.


This means you're either an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist. Have a look at this image to determine which you are:


That's pretty cool, thanks. To clarify, I am an Agnostic Theist


Actually, this question is incorrect because you are asking two different things. Gnosticism and Agnosticism refer to certainty and uncertainty. While Theism and Atheism refer to the belief or disbelief that gods exist.

So if someone says "I am agnostic about Michael Jackson's guilt" it means that person is not certain about MJ's guilt. It has nothing to do with religion, but rather with certainty about any subject matter.

With this in mind, I am an an agnostic atheist. That means I do not believe that gods exist, but I am not 100% certain and could be wrong. The image below explains the four quadrants of belief elegantly:

The four categories of belief are:
- Agnostic Theist
- Gnostic Theist
- Agnostic Atheist
- Gnostic Atheist


What's the confusion? The terms are quite clear. A gnostic is one who knows, therefore an agnostic is one who does not know. By this definition, we are all agnostics, because nobody knows. By the same token, a theist is one who believes in a theistic god, therefore an atheist is one who does not believe in a theistic god. Along these lines, I would consider myself an atheist, as I've never personally witnessed any evidence that a theistic god exists or is active in this universe. However, I would not consider myself to be, for example, an adeist, since I haven't been able to gather any information whatsoever about whether or not a deistic god may have been responsible for all there is. I wouldn't consider myself to be a deist either, I simply don't have enough information to say one way or another.
