MovieChat Forums > Biography > Rumi Biopic

Rumi Biopic


Just curious to see how many people would be interested in the Rumi movie. I just got the first draft of the script (I am a producer) and some market analysis so I thought to check in here to see how much interest there might be.

Anyone know who Rumi is?

Many thanks and best wishes

Bahram Heidari


As I like Eastern {Muslim, Asian} poetry very much, this name's familiar to me.

Could picture Omar Sharif playing him

Dum spiro, spero.


Is Sharif a bit too old? How about his playing Rumi's teacher Sanai of Afghanistan? Off the top of my head, I can't think of a younger version of Sharif, though, and you're right, he's the perfect type.


Well, since I only seen pictures of Rumi in older age, Sharif immediately came to my mind.
I've never seen him playing a historical personality which is a shame,IMHO.
Dum spiro, spero.



Many thanks for your comments. We had thought about Omar Sharif as well, but for the part of Shams, Rumi's teacher. Any other thoughts about who would be Rumi? Rumi was about 42 when he met Shams and Shams was over 60.

Best wishes

Bahram Heidari


I don't know many Muslim actors {I suppose you're thinking mainly of Muslim actors}, actually just French-born ones, don't know how Rumi looked in his 40-ties, so really just guess. Right now just one comes to my mind - Said Taghmaoui {33,Moroccan,should be made-up older,of corse}.
Then an American actor Adoni Maropis {44,USA}, his not typical 'white' [prob. of Greek descent] looks could be ok.

I'm afraid this won't be of much help:)

Dum spiro, spero.


I know this suggestion is horrible even as I type, but it won't leave my mind alone, so I'm going to type it anyway. What about the two charismatic Hispanic actors, Antonio Banderas and Andy Garcia?


Antonio Banderas....well, let's say, after all he made a good Arab in "The 13th Warrior" but Andy Garcia,can't imagine. He was perfect Arturo Sandoval but as an early-medieval poet.....

Dum spiro, spero.


What about Alexander Siddig for Rumi?

'I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?'
