What War films have you seen? Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr - 2016 Edition.
Greetings Warmongers and Warriors of the celluloid loving form.
War films are a genre of film, an important one in fact. It has many splinters, from historical swords and sandals battles - to the World Wars and up to the present day horrors still being fought in far off lands that are alien to most of us. It's a genre of film that can excite and horrify in equal measure.
The War Films board has a slow turnover of users, and it deserves better. I personally have hosted similar threads on all the main film boards over the years, even breathing life into some boards that were close to extinction! Sooo, this thread runs for 4 months at a time and the format is simple, it's designed for fans of War Films to post reviews, comments, questions, and just general fawnings of a genre of film making that we love. All posts will be read and respected here, dip in and out when you please or post every day, the important thing is that we learn and share about the multitude of great War Films out there. And of course get warned about the stinkers as well.
The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217