
I just figured out what the name of that dessert was. I used to see the advertisement on tv when I was a kid. You know the one with the hand model dinner guests that acted like they didn't want any dessert, until the host cut a piece of Vienntta for each of them, they wolf it down and see that there's one slice of Viennta left, but they don't want to beg, so they desperately wait until they can't take it anymore and then hold out their little fancy dessert cups: "One Slice Is Not Enough!"

For years I've been trying to remember the name and it just came to me. I always wanted to try it because it looked rich and fancy that I could never get as a kid, but I don't even think it's sold in the US anymore. Have any of you ever had it? What was it like? Is it still sold anywhere?


You can still buy it here in the UK, it's inedible and truly disgusting, it tastes very artificial like it was made in a laboratory not a kitchen and has a weird 'molten plastic' consistency. It's proper hardcore hyper-processed 'nutritionally redundant' junk food, really nasty!
