MovieChat Forums > Politics > Like Hitler, Trump Attacks the Arts

Like Hitler, Trump Attacks the Arts

No surprise.


For many decades "art" in the West has been a non-stop torrent of degeneracy and the intentionally ugly and obtuse.

If you want to be an artist and have your post-modern garbage be a blight on the public square, then do as they did in the old days and find a wealthy benefactor. The days of being just another welfare parasite are over.


Fascism = Censorship of the Arts

Censorship of the Arts = Hitler + Trump

Hitler + Trump = Fascism

maixiu 💘 Fascism


"Hitler, Hitler, Hitler!!!" Jan "Keelai" Brady


Talking of which, what was collecting the entry tickets at this show like for you?


Oh dear. Your insipidity is breathtaking.


And your rejection of modernism, as a ' a non-stop torrent of degeneracy and the intentionally ugly and obtuse', especially after all the well known depredations of the Nazis and Soviets against artists, is depressing. "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler!!!"


Oh dear.


Don't feel to bad about it. Everyone is entitled to their own taste and to make criticism of the arts. What is less welcome is the gratuitous hatred and slurs against artists in general because one resents the ascendancy of modernism or doesn't understand it.


If an artist's defense is "you don't understand it!" then they've almost surely created a piece of shit.


Some arts require a more sophisticated audience than others it would seem. And some people get the art they deserve. Also just because something is hard to understand have you ever thought it might be you rather than the thing? I don't get most of quantum physics or the rules of baseball, but would not deem them 'shit'.


Oh dear.


Oh dear.




It needed to be said.

One of these days I'd like to see an oh dear chain.




For many decades "art" in the West has been a non-stop torrent of degeneracy and the intentionally ugly and obtuse.

Quite right. Let's get back to paintings depicting proper things, music with tunes and poetry that rhymes!


Glad we see eye-to-eye for a change.


And all the degenerate artists should be banned, pilloried or sent to camps?

Sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.


Tsk, tsk, more straw men. This is a short thread and finding my thoughts on what should happen to them shouldn't have been that difficult. It's right above. But I guess simple fact-checking won't stand in the way of your hateful disdain for others.

Oh dear.


You can't strawman with sarcasm and intentional irony; that is not how it works.

hateful disdain for others.

You mean like saying "If you want to be an artist and have your post-modern garbage be a blight on the public square, then do as they did in the old days and find a wealthy benefactor. The days of being just another welfare parasite are over... "art" in the West has been a non-stop torrent of degeneracy and the intentionally ugly and obtuse. ". Got it.


Oh dear.


Don't call me dear, or you will just start Melton off on one again.


"paintings depicting proper things, music with tunes and poetry that rhymes!"
All those "common man" styles still exist, aplenty. You just sound like an uneducated atavist--I bet your walls are decorated with Margaret Keane paintings, lol! Whatever you have against modern art, no one is making you buy, or look at, or "appreciate" it. Live and let live, you know? The last government that tried to force its' preferences for art and architecture onto its' citizens didn't turn out so well.


Whatever you have against modern art, no one is making you buy, or look at, or "appreciate" it. Live and let live, you know? -I bet your walls are decorated with Margaret Keane paintings,

Very good reply - although it was probably best addressed to the philistines here..


Oh right, sorry, I see you were being ironic.


What country are you from Keelai?

Would be curious to see what their take is towards the arts.


What is your obsession with Hitler?


They won't say where they're from. Maybe they're from Germany.


You asking this in every thread is bordering on violating Terms and Standards, if not already a harassment violation.

You should cut it out, dipshit.


You mean like call out threads might be?


Call out threads have their negatives, but pestering someone to provide their personal information is not appropriate on a website where privacy is foundational.


Hitler was an artist. If anything, he plundered the arts, not attack them.


Hitler had art destroyed because he didn't like the genre - mainly modern art.

Yes, he stole art also.

Trump will probably have a Hitler art exhibit.


Hitler had art destroyed

Yes, "degenerate" Art.

Why do you support degeneracy and perversion?


Hitler had art destroyed

Yes, "degenerate" Art.

The Nazi regime labeled works by artists like Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Max Beckmann, Edvard Munch, Oskar Kokoschka, Paul Klee, Ernst Barlach, Emil Nolde Erich Kästner, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Lion Feuchtwangeras, Felix Mendelssohn, Gustav Mahler, and others"degenerate". As well as most of jazz. Can we take it then that you are against these creators as degenerate?


You're hell bent on destroying anything you object to.


"Trump is hell bent on destroying everything he objects to."

I fixed it for you.


True. Goodbye DEI, 72 genders, USAID waste gender-wrecking drugs, men in women's sports, illegal immigrants...


Trump censoring art for the entire country because he personally doesn't like it = Fascism

Trump + Hitler = censorship


You're insistent on corrupting youth with filthy art and print.

That's why we call you groomers.


Fascists = censor art
Fascists = attack marginized groups

maixiu = Fascist


If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

Those like you, who demand the grooming and debauching of children, offend Christ and you'll have to account for your sins when judged.


Wasn't there something too about people who are without sin themselves casting the first stone?


Yes there is. What of it?

Are you another one of those who insist that making moral judgments about human failings is forbidden us by God?


What do you think Jesus' words mean then?


What do you think they mean? You're the one who introduced them to this discussion.


I think they mean exactly what they say. Evasion noted.


Yes, very evasive on your part. Tell us what it means, coward, or don't bring it up.


DEI putting gay porn into kids schools = child abuse.
Keelai wanting to shut down everyone who disagrees with her = fascism.


The Nazis were right to reject modern art. It's trash.


"The Nazis were right"

Not a good look.


Well I'm a self-proclaimed Nazi, so I gave up on optics a long time ago, and honestly, it's liberating. I prefer to start from a position of open conflict, where people hate me and assume the worst, and then slowly dismantle their assumptions, gradually winning them over with my arguments and, of course, my charm.
