Trannies are having a meltdown, insurance no longer cover their fantasy pills to become whamen!
Insurance covered mental health therapy including for young suicidal children. Why do you believe that's a good thing? Do you believe children should suffer?
shareUh, castration and genital mutilation are not therapy.
shareBut it helps create a customer for therapy.
That's propaganda. Most is therapy and reversible hormone therapy. Children don't receive surgery.
In another time and place, you would've made the perfect Nazi by hunting, demonizing and attacking Jews and Romani the way you attack trans children now.
I notice Trumpites like to persecute groups like migrants and LGBTQ similar to Nazis attacking groups.
Notice how Christian bishops are receiving death threats for asking for compassion and peace activists targeted and deported for wanting an end to genocide. Trump and his minions do the devil's work. You're on the wrong side of history if you support hatred and persecution.
Wonderful when a straight woman tries to tell a queer man all about issues which affect my community.
And pffffftttt I'm not a Trumper. I'm a queer anarchist and voted for Cornel West.
Minor children have had genital surgery. Jazz Jennings is a good example. But there are others. Little girls have had mastectomies and regretted it.
And puberty blockers given to preteens have irreparable damage on their bodies.
I'm about protecting LGBT children. You guys are mutilating them.
Jazz never had any surgery until she was an adult. Why are you lying about her?
LGBTQ children have parents. Perhaps you should mind your own business since they didn't ask you to butt in.
Cornel West? LOL! That was a vote for Trump.
Uh, straight lady, I don't lie. She was 17 in June 2018. Years of medical malpractice preceded that.
Transgender teen and 'I Am Jazz' star Jazz Jennings on sharing the final steps of her transition journey: her gender confirmation surgery.
This past June, Jazz Jennings underwent her gender confirmation surgery.
October 15, 2018, 2:33 PM
For Jazz, that dream became a reality. This past June, she underwent her gender confirmation surgery -- a procedure that, in her case, essentially re-fashioned male genitalia into a female equivalent.'%22%20Jazz%20Jennings%2C%2018%2C,genitalia%20into%20a%20female%20equivalent.
Obviously her parents gave permission. What's the problem and why do you care?
Harris was a VP. Not her decision nor place to disagree with Biden.
You elected a POS who killed 1 million Americans by mismanaging covid. Now we're stuck with a dictator who wants to dismantle the infrastructure and transfer its money to his billionaire friends. Good going!
Her parents are guilty of child abuse.
I didn't vote for Trump. And I didn't vote for the Asian fake whose Administration financed the slaughter in Gaza. She never gave any indication she would stop supporting Israel.
You signed on to genocide when you voted for Harris.
I'm LGBT. And ethical people in our community say it's okay for a girl to have a penis. We don't support genital mutilation of children.
You're clearly a gay guy who hates transsexuals.
Jazz is 24 and happy. You should mind your business.
Nope. I'm probably the only one here who has lived with transsexuals. I'm telling you our society must stop trying to match genitalia to a social construct of gender.
shareYep, you hate transsexuals. I thought so!
shareHuh? I've known some very happy chicks with dicks. You're a heterosexual trying to tell us queer folks about queer folks.
shareKeelai hates minorities, he just uses you to secure power for the Left.
Same thing with Flimflam (filmflaneur) who brainwashed his daughter into hacking off her breasts and god knows what elss to become a ‘man’.
There’s a deep homophobia at the heart of trans activism.
I think Keelai is a woman.
Still, she just threw out the "I hate trannies" comment because she knows she lost the argument and was dumbfounded.
90% of these trannies are just confused homosexual kids.
[–] Keelai (35857) 2 hours ago
"Obviously her parents gave permission. What's the problem and why do you care?"
Holy shit I can tell 1000% you have no kids. Im guessing no pets either unless its a bird in a cage or fish in a tank.
Keelai’s only ‘pets’ are a black man in a cage in his basement, and a severed penis on his bedroom floor.
I wouldnt put anything past that creature. But by the tonality of its many post, I cant imagine it being bothered to care for anything cute and fluffy that roams freely in its (condo / appartment) - definitely not a home owner. Im assuming its a city rat dwelling somewhere in the 5 boroughs.
shareNobody is attacking anyone, retard. No hatred. No persecution. The taxpayers just don't want to pay for their delusions.
That's me, the American taxpayer. Not you, you're a hysterical foreigner, a fearmonger and a liar. No one cares what you think.
no more penis pills
shareI thought they changed it to "Womyn."
shareWoketards be like. 'We hate Big Pharma! Death to the capitalists!'
Big Pharma: 'Would you like us to mutilate your kids genitals, pump them full of untested drugs and turn them into suicidal adolescents?'
Woketards: ' Yes! Progression! Take our money!!!'
The Zionist left let it go too far in their woke Zionist ideology and agenda!