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IDIOT TRUMPITES Believe 1.5 Billion Condoms Sent to Gaza

It never happened.

But, head idiot Trump pretended he stopped $50 million spent on condoms for Gaza in Palestine.

Zero critical-thinking skills from his base. Zero fact-checking.

There was money sent to a province in Mozambique, called Gaza, to prevent STDs.

Btw, IDIOT TRUMPITES will be an ongoing regular feature since Trumpites can't help being idiots.


It didn’t happen because Trump stopped it.

Why would the Biden Administration try to send $50-million for condoms to Terrorist Zones? … Spoiler alert, it’s not for STD prevention; it’s for terrorists like Hamas to fill with helium and attach incendiary devices to them so they can send them over other areas to cause fires.

Stop supporting terrorists.


Shit for brains, I don't want $50m in taxpayer funded condoms going any fucking where.


Send them to Africa. Help stop the spread of AIDS.


Fuck `em.


Send them to Africa. Help stop the spread of Africans.


Which country it was going to be sent isnt the point. Im suprised you think this is an own on the Right. We shouldnt be paying $50 mill for condoms to ANYONE expecpt planned parent hood in the states.

And holy fuck, talk about something not to be mad about. No US tax dollars wasted on that particular venture. How is it you called me the dumb one?


You're a typical dumb Trumpite.

The U.S. spends money on foreign countries to gain influence needed for votes in international matters and gain business ties.

Right now, China is making great deals with numerous African nations which means needed natural resources will help their businesses instead of American.

You have zero idea how soft power works in foreign affairs.


"You're a typical dumb Trumpite."
*Typical scumbag response.

"The U.S. spends money on foreign countries to gain influence needed for votes in international matters and gain business ties."
*you mean "greasing the wheels" to inact more coups. No, we dont need to be giving 50 mill of condoms to anyone. Theres no argument here to be made so save your carpal tunnel.

"Right now, China is making great deals with numerous African nations which means needed natural resources will help their businesses instead of American."
*China is a nation of espionage & slavery that have no intentions of treating humans with dignity. Im not suprised you would use them as a stellar example.


You mean the majority of the country that voted for him?

After 4 years of insane democrat policy... why would anyone question shit like this?


More lies from you!!! No surprise.

Trump had 49.8% of vote which is LESS than half - not a majority.


I see you're dumb as shit at math too.


Ummmm, no he won the Popular vote, The EC, The Senate, The House, and The Mandate.... you are fucking DELUSIONAL.


Oh no, I can't take you putting "ITE" on the end of Trump, to describe me.

I'm going to need to call the suicide hotline now
