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More trans violence.

🧵 Liberal media has been uninterested in investigating the couple involved in shooting dead a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Coventry, Vermont near the Canadian border on inauguration day. Why? Both in the duo are leftist trans militants. One of the deceased armed militants is a German believed to be in the country on an H-1B visa. The duo is allegedly connected to a trans terror cell.

Federal law enforcement had been surveilling German man Felix "Ophelia" Baukholt and Seattle
student Teresa "Milo" Youngblut (xe/xem/xyrs) after staff at a Lyndonville, Vt. motel reported seeing them with black tactical clothing, weapons and protective militia-style equipment.

When the duo was pulled over on Jan. 20, Youngblut allegedly shot dead Officer David Maland in a surprise attack. In the returning fire, Baukholt, who was also armed, was killed. Youngblut was injured and survived.

I spoke with Jessica Taylor
, a Berkeley, Calif. woman who had met Baukholt over the years. She confirmed that Baulkholt is trans.


A "trans terror cell?" Seriously? Those actually exist?!


It gets worse, apparently they are serial killers.


Wow, creepy. Surely the trans community has made it clear that they don't support this and are against what this cell is doing, right?


Trans activists are some of the most vile and violent people. We need the Trump admin to bring down the hammer.


It's happening. Trump is bringing the Hammer and the Pain


Good. Then things are going according to plan.
