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VP Harris mocked for flubbing opening line of Pledge of Allegiance: 'What an embarrassment'

Social media users ripped into Vice President Kamala Harris for appearing to get the words to the Pledge of Allegiance wrong in the U.S. Senate on Friday.

Before swearing in the senators of the 119th Congress, Harris led the pledge and accidentally mixed up its famous opening words, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America."

Over the microphone, she could be heard saying, "I pledge allegiance to the United States," trailing off as she appeared to catch herself, then picked up with the others, "… the United States of America."

Oh for Christ sake.. And to think Millions of liberals voted for this woman weeks ago to be President of the U.S and she can't even get the Pledge of Allegiance right.. πŸ™„ Thank absolute God Trump won and won in a landslide as much as liberals want to throw cold water on that because 312 Electoral votes for Trump to Harris's 226 says otherwise


wow, i had already forgot she was still VP.


so did everyone else. lol


I was listeing to an interveiw with Teamster leader Sean M. O'Brien and he explained that he afforded the oppertunity to both Trump and Kamala to speak at some important Teamster event, Trump accepted early and Kamala declined. Shocker.

He also said when he met with her in person, she was wagging her finger at him and telling him he better get on board. And not in a fun joking way. What a sociopath.


These sorts of criticisms are funny. Like stumbling over a line like that proves she didn't know the pledge or is some indication of her intelligence. The fact that she paused is probably an indication that she realized she messed up, which would imply that she knew the right way to say it.

Singers have been known to fuck up a line in a song they've probably done hundreds or thousands of times. The same goes for stage actors. It happens.

This post tells us more about your intelligence than KH's, IMO.


Agreed. Public speakers make gaffs all the time. This one that upsets the OP so much is so minor it does discredit the gaff-detector more then the gaff-maker. BKB must live in a very tiny universe of tRump sycophants and Faux Noose addicts, unable to apply the proper perspective and thus condemned to making such solipsistic blunders. What a life!


Trump can have a mental breakdown on stage and pretend to suck off his mic stand (or maybe Putin ordered him to do this or else he'd release blackmail material collected while Trump was in Russia) and they don't think anything of it, but a Democrat drops a couple of words from the pledge and oh my God, she's not mentally competent. So fucking absurd.


Oh pleeeaaassseee!!! πŸ™„If Trump would've forgotten the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, you'd be crawling up his ass for it, so cry harder. Here. This is you along wit the rest of the liberal pinheads in 16 days.


She flubbed one line. Jesus Christ. And she caught herself too.

Why would anyone bother with something trivial like that with all the stupid and weird shit he says and does? Like remember that time he pretended to suck off his microphone while waiting for the tech guys to fix it?


She needed a teleprompter for the pledge of allegiance and how many people voted for that, good lord..

Her political career in a nutshell.


Trump uses teleprompters at each of his rallies and press conferences. Why doesn't that bother you so much?


Red, red wine
Go to my head
Make me forget
- Neil Diamond


You know what they say, "Don't drink and drive?" Perhaps they should include, "Don't drink and sing in the US Senate on live TV" too. She sounds really drunk in that video.
