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Democrats Attempting To Overthrow Democracy (again)

Not quite sure why they would want to do this now seeing how Kamala got completely destroyed in the popular vote as well. It wouldn’t have made any difference. Democrats aren’t very smart apparently.

Regardless Democrats continue to show their true colors as the radical Insurrectionist terrorists that they are. Every senator the article is referring to needs to be prosecuted immediately for their attempted coup.


They have been trying that for decades. They want to guarantee full permanent control by abolishing the EC.

I'm expecting them to do something radical and desperate within the next couple of months.


A majority of US citizens want to do away with the electoral college.

The US is stuck in a two-party system due to the electoral college. The electoral college requires 270 electoral college votes to win and Congress picks both the President and VP if 270 electoral college votes is not reached. Most of the states in the electoral college are winner-take-all so the votes for the losing candidate DO NOT COUNT. Republican votes for President in California and Maryland DO NOT COUNT. Democrat votes for President in Alaska and Texas DO NOT COUNT.. * State voting history *

The other big problem with the electoral college is that the elections is usually decided by SIX OR SEVEN STATES.

I'm an independent who is tired of choosing between two lousy candidates from two lousy parties that have been hijacked by extremists. I want everyone's vote to count and the electoral college does not allow every vote to count.


Agree 100%.


Every vote does count in the electoral college. There are state elections for the president and they are based completely off the popular vote for that state.

This is an attempt by the left to overthrow the government and its treason.


Do the Democrats and Liberals fully understand WHY they have the Electoral College Vote to begin with??


I don’t think they do. Intelligence doesn’t run very well in the Democrat Party.


You are mistaken. The popular vote counts every vote but the Presidency is not determined by the popular vote. The electoral college is winner-take-all in all states except for Maine and Alaska. Maine and Alaska allocate the votes. The electoral college winner is the candidate who wins 270 electoral college votes. Each state has a popular vote BUT the winner in most states is awarded ALL of the electoral college votes. The votes for the loser DO NOT COUNT!

There have been five Presidents in US history who have won the Presidency by winning the electoral college without winning the popular vote. * Presidents who lost the popular vote *

Independents make up the largest voting block and many of them are dissatisfied with the electoral college. It's not just the left who want to abandon the electoral college. * Rise of independents *


Right but your vote counts either way. If I live in California and I vote for Trump then Trump gets 1 vote (allegedly) in California. Whether California goes for Trump or not is irrelevant, my vote still counted.


The vote of a California voter who votes for Trump is counted BUT zero electoral college votes were awarded to Trump since California awarded its 54 electoral college votes to Kamala Harris. California is winner-take-all so the Republican votes in California did not count in the electoral college vote total. A Republican has not won California since Reagan in 1988 and Republicans have not broken 40% in California since 2004. The link below shows the voting history of California.

Under the popular vote, every vote counts. The Republican who votes in California will see their vote counted in the popular vote totals. Under the electoral college, California records 54 electoral college votes for Democrats during 2024 while the Republicans get ZERO. California Republican votes for President do not count in the electoral college.


But their vote would still count. Just because your candidate doesn’t win doesn’t mean your vote doesn’t count. A Republican voting in California and a Democrat voting in Alabama both count. I don’t think you understand how the electoral college works.


I understand the electoral college while you clearly do not.

A candidate wins the electoral college by winning 270 or more electoral college votes. Harris won 54 California electoral college votes while Trump won ZERO. Over six million California voters cast their ballot for Trump but the winner-take-all system did not award Trump any electoral college votes. Similarly, Trump was awarded nine Alabama electoral college votes while Harris was awarded zero electoral college votes. That is why I argue that each voter's vote does not count in the final electoral college total.


You don’t understand how it works. Everyone who voted for Trump in California, their vote still counted in the California electoral election, just like the Democrats who voted for Kamala in Alabama. Just because your candidate doesn’t win doesn’t mean your vote didn’t count.

In the 2008 election I voted for John McCain even though he lost the popular vote 69,498,516 - 59,948,323 and in my state McCain also lost 2,123,390 - 2,109,698. Even though regardless of whether I voted or not McCain still would have lost the popular vote and my states electoral votes my vote still counted and went into the total vote tally.


not only did Trump destroy Kamelturd, but he also destroyed Diaper Joe, Tampon Timmy and Shillary.

Trump is 4-1*

*election was stolen.


Very well said. Trump kicked Democrat ass last month and it was so emotionally satisfying.


The electoral college is one of the tools the founders gave us to prevent big states like CA, TX, FL, and NY from dominating and controlling the elections. We are a union of states. Tools that equalize the states, so the big ones don't control the little ones, should always remain. Democrats love to say they are for "free and fair" elections, but their definition of fair changes a lot..

For almost 250 years the democrats have been trying to dismantle the US Constitution. They wanted a king when the founding fathers were building a Republic. If you have ever taken the time to read the Federalist Papers and the Antifederalist Papers, which were a discussion about what type of government we wanted, it will become clear that the people we call democrats today are still fighting for a king and subjects.


Never gonna happen, it takes 3/4 of states to amend the Constitution.


Yeah I know, but the Democrats are still attempting to overthrow the government.


They know that with states like California they could just print an extra 30 million votes and it would be easier than rigging the swing States.


Exactly, no point in rigging California and in states like Texas and Florida they actually believe in voter integrity.

