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Another Trump tenet bites the dust

Many people who voted for Trump say they did so because he was so peaceful and we had no wars during his administration.

Besides being wrong about that, and his idiotic handling of Afghanistan and then dumping it in Biden's hands now Trump is talking about invading Panama. Or is he just joking again.

What an idiot leader. Someone who cannot get a security clearance, someone who would be fired as a CEO if he did not own his own corporations and all this scams. Trump is the incarnation of the ugly American, and Americans are so stupid they cannot imagine a country of all-Trumps would be the worst country in the world.

The bottom line with America these days is that we are losing everything to China, and trying to blame it on China instead of the oligarchs that Trump represents and their effect on the American nation since Reagan cut then loose from paying taxes and dumped deficits on the backs of the American workers.

China is about the same size as the US with about 4 times as many people. The Chinese "communist" government as we like to call them, has from almost a standing start raised their country up to the most productive in the world, while we keep allowing rich psychopaths to hollow out and betray America.

Go to YouTube and look at what China is doing for their infrastructure and their people. Amazing buildings, tunnels, bridges, infrastructure while we cannibalize our own country and people for the sake of psychopathic billionaires like Elon Musk.

In this decade China will surpass the US and all we can do about it is threaten to destroy the world over Taiwan or because if we cannot win no on can. America's leadership is like a body with brain cancer.


The US certainly has a lot of problems due to our two-party system. It's important to remember that China is ruled by one party, an evil communist party that wants to create a new world order with China at the top and other authoritarian regimes ruling over spheres of influence.

China doesn't respect any borders and disregards treaties. They're a worse neighbor than Russia since they took territory from multiple countries in the 20th century. They invaded Tibet, East Turkestan and Vietnam. They are now focused on the South China Sea and Taiwan. It's possible that they could look at Outer Manchuria.

China has been asked to stop sending fentanyl precursors to Mexico but they continue to export them with the knowledge that fentanyl is killing US citizens.

China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs, the former people of East Turkestan.

China has suppressed the human rights of Hong Kong residents after promising to maintain their capitalist systems for fifty years after their integration into China.

China refused to cooperate with world health authorities over the origins of the covid pandemic.

Don't believe all this Chinese propaganda. They are rotten communists who never should have been permitted to join the international organizations. Wandel durch handel has failed.


You win the daily award🥇 for the most propaganda links in a single post.


The OP is praising China and disparaging the USA. I want to make sure everyone knows that China is an evil authoritarian regime.

I always post my opinions and try to substantiate my positions with articles from reputable organizations like news providers, think tanks and non-profit organizations. You never post your sources because you get all your info off social media conspiracy theorists.


You could have posted what you personally knew or thought instead of trying to demonstrate that you can cite propaganda from half a dozen sources.

You should give others the benefit of doubt to research on their own instead of spoon-feeding them with the Kool-Aid from the regime.

You’re only regurgitating the msm and demonstrating that you're one of their useful shills.


I'm not posting propaganda. I'm posting articles and links from reputable organization. Other people viewing the threads can verify my posts through their own research. I'm here to debate the issues so I can LEARN and ENLIGHTEN. You're just here to shitpost and troll.

You constantly post conspiracy theories and misinformation without corroborating any of it.

Start corroborating your ignorant opinions or shut up! GO AWAY TROLL!


You're not a debater, you're a propagandist for the establishment.




I am not praising China. Maybe you play too many mindless video games.
China's results are demonstrably superior to ours for the average citizen.
That's just fact.


"China's results are demonstrably superior to ours for the average citizen."

Can you elaborate?


Terminal case of TDS. You belong in a padded cell.


Sorry to break it to you, but you're the one with TDS. What do you think of tRump's idea of buying Greenland (hint: Denmark's not entertaining offers.)?


Really? You asshats have been whining about Trump daily for 9yrs.

No idea. Still recuperating from the democrat-funded COVID virus.


Holy shit you guys have devolved to Pee-Wee Herman tactics!! ("I know you are, but what am I?")


You silly goose, there's no basement at The Alamo!!


Hell, the USA will probably get dragged into WW3 once Putin invades Poland and all the vatniks on here will defend him for it.


Poland became a member of NATO 25 fucking years ago. Big difference.


Sure ... in about 100 years when Russia finally takes over Ukraine, they will them turn their military towards Poland. Asshat.


Are you still smoking that copium crack pipe?
