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Black Brain Drain

Psst, I've got news for you about the Blacks.


Seeing the fat black Chiquita mascot claim that blacks invented everything while flashing pictures of computers was funny.


For me, it was a mix of funny and infuriating. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard blacks say the same thing and genuinely believe it. It’s as if they can’t face the reality of their lack of significant collective achievements, so they resort to claiming credit for the accomplishments of other (better) races.


LOL, from your tone about black people I just bet you spend a lot of time listening to them bash whites, or you make it up because you're a racist goofball.


I'm not a racist goofball, I'm just a racist. And yes I see a lot of them on Twitter bashing Whites, taking credit for the accomplishments of Whites, ruining neighborhoods, schools, and every other place they congregate because they are a bunch of violent low IQ savages with no impulse control due to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.


I'm just a racist.

No you are not, you just post provocatively to get things going, and have admitted as much.


No, I’m actually a racist. I may not hate other races, but I do advocate for a White ethno-state. Sure, I express it provocatively, but it’s what I truly believe. My beliefs are summed up in this post:

The last line in that post is where I’m being provocative, but everything else is genuine—it's truly what I believe.


Good one!


I can't tell what's more pathetic, black people like this rewriting history, or people gullible and stupid enough to believe that crap. They're as bad as the Afrocentric morons in their DEI ivory towers that are trying to rewrite history and say black people built western civilization. Sorry darlings, you didn't.


it is part of their colonization efforts. to try and uproot the identity of western civilization


That's what Run DMC must have been trying to tell us in the song "Tricky."

It's all starting to make sense now...


Yeah, and they've got powerful white leftists in charge, letting them get away with those lies >:(


One day the White race traitors will have to pay for the damage they have done to our people.
The only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor.


LBJ's grave is on my list for peeing on.


I don’t think anyone other than Black people truly believes it. Their sense of self-worth seems to hinge on maintaining this delusion. I doubt there are any White people who genuinely buy into it.


Are you familiar with Yakub? That's probably the most extreme example of this occurrence.



Holy shit! That's the funniest thing I've ever read. LOL
These colored folks sure have an imagination.


It really is. I had a shirt with a picture of a Yakub face similar to the one at the top of that wiki page that I got from a weird Rasta guy at a camp out event. I wore it to raves frequently for years since the look fit the scene and it was funny as hell to me.


I love that! Maybe I should get a shirt like that. Can you imagine? A White Nationalist rocking a Yakub shirt — the irony would be so massive it might just create a black hole and swallow the whole universe.


Only the dumb, really racist ones do. The smarter black people (who are sadly in the minority within their community) know the truth.

While black people have contributed towards inventing some things in the modern world, it was only possible here in America, or maybe parts of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Any other time before that, forget it.

I also found out recently that some of the stories we've been told about black inventors during Black History month actually stole credit from white inventors who were deliberately forgotten, or that Alex Haley was a big fat fraud with his "Roots" book, having stolen the Kunta Kinte story from a fictional short story a white author had written about slavery. But that doesn't compare to the shock and disappointment I felt when finding out that Martin Luther King Jr, a black man I admired for years, was secretly a slimy horn dog and adulterer that slept with a ton of black and white women who weren't his wife behind the scenes during the Civil Rights Movement.


There are many reasons why MLK is put on a pedestal while Malcolm X isn't, and morality isn't one of them.


Malcolm X was pretty based for a negro.


It's true, even in my social studies classes, they didn't speak well about him, and yet the information I found on him independently says another story entirely, including the part about the power of the press.


They were given those false beliefs by the Edomites ... Scroll down that post for a picture of what I'm referring to; although I suspect that you already knew.


Are you talking about this:




Invented everything...
Whitey Stole it...
But can't invent again :(


That Everlast album really should have been named Whitey Ford Steals the Blues.


The blues is probably the one thing that Whitey actually did steal from blacks. Though, even the blues had some influence from White folk music. From the very beginning, Whites and Blacks played together in the Mississippi Delta.


That's true. Blatantly throwing that out though from a guy who was a rapper before that would have been a funny answer to any claims of appropriation, either relating to music genre or whites stealing from blacks generally.


Heh, that is a pretty good point. I guess when you steal everything that includes the resources too. They be still selling out their countries resources for little pay or corrupt pay while their own people still slave away at bits and pieces to make life.


Funny, isn’t it? Not only did they sell out their own countries, but they sold their own people, literally. They seem to think Whitey just showed up in Africa, found a poor, defenseless negro in the wild, threw a bag over their head, and hauled them off to slavery. The truth is their own people enslaved them first, kept them as slaves, and then sold them into the slave trade. White people were just one of many who bought them and put them to work on plantations.

And ultimately, it was us who freed them.

Whitey didn’t enslave them — we set them free. And now we’re the ones being punished for it.


We Wuz Kangs n' sheeeit! We wuz invented everythang you feel me? Type shit type shit.
The results speak for themselves:
