2 weeks in the life of a Trumpster
fire engines are red
edit Nov 24
I'll edit this. because, yeah. whatever. This reply goes for most people. Some people seem to have got the idiot out of their system. For anyone sane who is reading this, I know. I know. I know. For anyone reading this in 10 years time. What do you mean a convicted criminal and serial liar did that while he was president? What are the chances. No one could have predicted
For anyone who didn't catch on or caayyy-ahh-urrzzz I am not a liberal. Trump is not going to be my president. Biden hasn't been my president. No one is saying Biden got it right or KH. They are politicians. bullshit is what they do - all of them. Welcome to the world. You thought they were going to be honest? oh. ok then.
I'm not defending Biden and I'll pull this one out of someone elses ass. (I used the word ass, does that make me cool?) https://ibb.co/dcZFnMB
So stop saying "you lost biscuittard" like an 8 year old lemming, because he isn't my fucking president. I'll say that without spaces in case some people forget the previous word while they are reading the space. heisn'tmyfuckingpresident. cool story. (do you think they got it? I don't think they got it. I know they didn't get it. although I know for some people saying "We OwNeD tHe mUtHeRfUcKiN lIBs is the best part of their day)
If I was an American voter, I doubt I'd vote red or blue. or any of the other ones. I could have said that first. I think most politicians are a bunch of cunts. hey, that wasn't so hard. But most of them are cunts, and not psychiatric patients. We have also had a psychiatric patient, but we got him out. Because it became obvious he was a psychiatric patient.
This country has it's own problems. Difference is, no one is actually expecting our lot to sort them out. They are politicians. Putin lurves Trump. in a sort of "jump this high, beach" sort of way
Mon: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Tues: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Weds: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Thurs: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Fri: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Sat: drinks vodka
Sun: drinks vodka
Mon: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Tues: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Weds: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Thurs: Ублюдок, либертарианец, становится его собственностью.
Fri: Ублюдок, либертарианец, становится его собственностью.
Sat: пьёт водку
Sun: пьёт водку
Dems. If you have any spare vodka, don't offer it. That's socialism, и социализм отстой.
Occasional signature.
"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
Разделенные Штаты Америки.
The United States of What thah fuck
what? nah....no I can't say that. that's rude.
Political commentary/observation.
Did I mention we OWNED the MOTHer FUCKin lIbS? yeah! whoo! OwneD the MotheRfuCkin LibS