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Trump is gonna destroy the Economy, Again !

He wants Jerome Powell out, so he can insert a puppet in his place. Trump wants the power to control the Federal Reserve. Next step, Emperor.


The title should be "Trump is gonna destroy the economy, AGAIN"


You're right !


More lies from MCs liar in chief.


"Give me control over a nations currency, I care not who makes its laws."--Mayer A. Rothchild


COVID destroyed the economy, dipshit. The economy was doing great before that. Before the liberal bureaucrats told everyone to shut down. Trump's big mistake was listening to Comrade Fauci and those assholes at the CDC.

Democrats tanked the economy with their inflation and throwing billions at Ukraine.

Stop with the bullshit, the lies and the hyperbole. It's why you just lost in a landslide.


If COVID destroyed the economy, it was because so many republican/maga supporters perpetuated it unnecessarily by basically making it a much bigger problem than it ever should have needed to be, and for much longer than it ever should have been, and all because they refused to do their individual parts to help keep it under control because they believed the lies from their orange jesus who told them all along it wasn't "really" that serious and/or that it was all a "hoax" (even despite in some cases the evidence of their own friends and family dying around them....FROM COVID)....and the obvious fact that their orange jesus OBVIOUSLY had no clue what he was talking about regarding COVID the ENTIRE TIME.

After all, basically EVERY OTHER country around the world (even some not even as "advanced" as America) proved that COVID WAS relatively manageable if a population of citizens WERE willing to ALL do their parts when they were able to get THEIR countries operating at MUCH closer levels to normal WELL before America did under trump.

That they STILL don't believe those things and STILL aren't willing to accept them is why they ALSO mistakenly believe the economy is currently bad (when it provably isn't), that Democrats caused inflation (when inflation is obviously being caused by a price gouging business world), and that helping Ukraine is for some reason actually a BAD thing.


Regarding Covid: The Clown basically told everybody to drink Drain Cleaner, though none of his supporters choose to remember that.


That particular headline snippet really stuck with you, didn't it? Bravo to the media think tank that pushed that one.


Regarding think tanks, you really should have consulted one before posting a nitpicking difference between injecting bleach and drinking drain cleaner and thinking that would actually make you look like you were "winning" the debate.


The economy tanked because you can’t spent money if nothing is open. I’m not sure how hard that is to understand.

Also all the metrics regarding Covid, deaths, numbers of cases etc are in proportion with the population of
That state. It’s not higher in red states, or lower blue states. However this idea that maga weren’t listening while liberals were behaving themselves is a complete joke. You must’ve forgotten about 2020 during the height of Covid when liberals were protesting and rioting all over the country for George Floyd.


Nothing was open because so many of the people in this country proved they simply couldn't be bothered to do just a few simple things to make workplaces safe for EVERYONE.

It's "interesting" that one metric you failed to include is that after donald trump told his followers that COVID was a hoax, his followers died at twice the rate of those who didn't believe his lie. Your blue-state/red-state argument is simply a transparent red-herring argument.

And it's ALSO "interesting" that your idea of a citizenry "behaving itself" is NOT protesting something like systemic racism, ESPECIALLY when it's perpetrated by a police force that is supposed to "Protect and Serve" that citizenry.


I see that you edited your first point questioning how the economy could tank if nothing was open. So i'll assume that you agree that it did tank for the reason. The point is that the shutdowns tanked the economy, and they did little to prevent the spread of covid. Because each state had their own policy, bur the results ended up being what you would expect based on population. However it was democrats that were pro shutdown, which is why they get the blame for the economy.

However I do agree that noone really listened. I think as Americans we are too spoiled and entitled to be told what to do, and that goes for both side.

That study done by Yale was focused on just 2 out of 50 states. Ohio and Florida. Even then it was based on deaths within the county, not the actual party affiliation of the deceased. That is a really small sample size, and a flawed way of looking at things. My red state/blue state argument is different because it's not really about the people, but about the leadership and policy.

If you are going to argue the legitimacy of the protest, I don't think there was legit reason. There is no systemic racism, and even if there was, this is not an example of it. Systemic racism would've protected Derrick Chauven, but it didn't he was arrested, convicted, and thrown in jail. Why is there a need to protest? He was held accountable.

With that said, peaceful protest is a right whether its legit or not, so they can do it. But is it really a good idea to do it in the middle of pandemic, when they recommend no groups of more than 10 people, and keeping 6 feet apart from each other. You argued that maga republicans didn't listen, but these were clearly the largest group gatherings going on at the time.


Wow, you're a complete idiot. Even Fauci has admitted that masks don't work. Social distancing doesn't work. We know in hindsight that shutting down doesn't work. All that bullshit created more problems than it alleviated. We also know in hindsight that the "vaccines" don't work and have potentially created more health problems than they alleviated. You're just repeating yesterday's bullshit.

The economy is fucking terrible. Tell me again how you've drank the Kool Aid. Tell me again how you have no clue what inflation is. Democrats absolutely did cause inflation. It rose to over 9% just a few months after Biden took office. We never get that money back. Price gouging does not cause inflation, dipshit. Inflation causes prices to rise. Prices are much higher now BECAUSE of inflation. The price gouging bullshit is Kameltoe's way of appealing to dumbasses like you who don't know the first thing about economics.


We get it, you STILL believe whatever right-wing bull$#!+ you're TOLD to believe.

You don't have to keep proving it. ; ) LOL


Stop projecting. I'm not told to believe anything.


That not a landslide. A landslide is like 90 - 10, not 60 - 40. My mouth isn't a Fake News generator like your clown god. Look up all the things he's been recorded saying and still blatantly denies.


Leave it to CraigC to accuse OTHERS of bull$#!+, lies, and hyperbole but then use a word like "landslide" to describe a voting result that OBVIOUSLY wasn't anything close to that. - Eyeroll -

No surprise though, since the projection has ALWAYS been strong with THAT one. ; )


And... Trump won. Cry harder.


Everybody calls it a landslide. Your precious Kameltoe lost 15million votes compared to the last election. THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES shifted right. Every district but DC.

Stop buying every bullshit lie they feed you. It's making you stupid.


Except of course for the facts that it's now been proven to NOT be a "landslide", so NOT a "mandate", and, that it likely wasn't even a win at all. ;)


Keep telling yourself that.

Who's denying election results now?


The current right-wing = False Equivalencies R'Us


"Except of course for the facts that it's now been proven to NOT be a "landslide", so NOT a "mandate", and, that it likely wasn't even a win at all. ;)"

I can tell the seeds have already been planted in your head. Just how they want you to parrot like good sheep that Trump has 34 FELONIES.

And how the hell is NY and OR still counting votes a MONTH later??? Still at 97%.


Got it, you don't know how courts of law OR elections work.


Actually it wasn’t Covid. It was Democrat lockdowns. Mandated in Democrat states of CA, NY, MI. Fla ended theirs after a month.


It was but that might be too deep for these fucktards to comprehend.


Well that’s a given lol! I’m just tired of our so called leaders blaming Covid when it was their lockdown policies that lead to inflation. Not some outside factor they had no control over. They made lockdowns Happen on purpose to target small business.


Documented history:

republican administrations leave the country with a ruined economy (for everyone but the wealthy) but blame Democrats for it all.

Democrats regain office and fix the economy (just because it's the right thing to do for ALL Americans)

republican voters vote Democrats out of office because of their mistaken perception (created by republican "leaders") that Democrats have "ruined the economy" for "everyone"

newly elected republicans "coincidentally" and almost immediately change their "the economy is terrible for everyone" campaign message to "the economy is now great again" just because they are back in office....then proceed to ruin the economy again for everyone but the wealthy

thereby proving (by definition) the "insanity" of low information (and false information believing) republican voters who have illustrated repeating the same mistake again, and again, and again.....


The RepubliCunts just have to go on stage and yell Merica and all the Rednecks will vote for them. It's terribly pathetic.


Pathetic...and SAD! (you can always tell they really hate when you turn THAT one around on them when they try to play dumb about who used to use it so much in his tweets....and maybe still does for all I know.....that platform simply isn't worth wasting any of my time with).


And denigrating people you have ZERO understanding of is exactly why democrats just lost in a historical landslide.

I'm not a redneck. A racist. A homophobe. A sexist. A transphobe. Uneducated or poor. Why did I vote for Trump?


Im a Green Third Party Voter both Republicans and Democrats represents different shades of big Government they are both Zombie Parties.


Quit being overly dramatic and quit spreading conspiracy theories. It’s going to be alright, President Trump will take care of you and make sure you are safe. All you need to do is your patriotic duty by uniting around and supporting President Trump as he makes America great again.


I will not be helping him turn the USA into a Totalitarian state. He's gonna make it Great for himself, not the average joe. You guys all fall for the same BS.


Those are more lies and conspiracy theories. You are a victim, you have been brainwashed by the far left fake news and Kamala’s lies. Trump is going to make life better for all hard working, law abiding Americans just like he did in his first term, just you might have to put up with some mean social media posts, but my advice to you is to get over it.


It would take the Deep State unleashing a disease like Covid again to destroy the economy. It wasn't Trump's fault and Democrats can't claim they created jobs when they just came back after the Covid threat was over.




Emperor Trump. Now your talking 🤣


hes gonna make everything cheaper like in 2018-19 , The Demorats have been
