MovieChat Forums > Politics > I think cultural issues hurt Harris more...

I think cultural issues hurt Harris more than we thought, but we cannot abandon our core values.

It would be an empty victory, winning but selling our souls in the process.

It's not an option to stop fighting for marginalized people struggling for acceptance such as trans athletes or tolerating sexualized images of women in video games and other media that dehumanize them. Giving up on these things is too great a price to pay in order to flip a few sexist, racist dudebros to our side.

The real obstacle to winning is ignorance. We must educate more of the public on these issues so that they are not so easily convinced by right wing propaganda in the future.


Your entire post is why you lost. You're completely out of touch with reality.




Yes just because you lost doesn't mean you have to give up


Not at all. We're going to fight twice as hard.


We must educate more of the public on these issues

We're actually quite sick of your "education"... why not just fuck off back to your woke circles and let us get the country back in order so you idiots can continue believing the bullshit that you believe.

And really think about that statement for second... maybe you'll get it, but I doubt it.


Please tell me this is sarcasm. The Dems should stop focusing on identity politics and instead focus on improving the economy and ordinary people's quality of life. A focus on equality is fine too, but it has to be beneficial for everyone, not just cover for positive discrimination. Solid policies on the economy, jobs, healthcare, the cost of living and education, delivered by someone who seems competent, would have won them the election. A lot of Democrat supporters are also off-puttingly obnoxious (see the OP for an example).


You say "tolerating sexualized images of women in video games," so you're fine with the "sexualized images of men in video games." Double standard.


I couldn’t agree more. It’s time to put an end to White comfort. We must double down on safeguarding the rights of marginalized groups, ensuring they receive special treatment as protected classes. It's crucial to push for a 28th Amendment, enshrining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into the Constitution, securing preferential hiring and social services for blacks and browns and women. Our vision for the media is clear: women in games and movies should be fat and ugly, depicted without catering to the 'Male Gaze,' embracing true diversity — no matter how uncomfortable it makes straight White men.

And yes, we must welcome wave after wave of third-world shitskins to accelerate the demographic shift and replace the White population — White genocide is simply the overdue consequence for centuries of slavery, colonialism, and oppression. White replacement is more than justified. And We won’t stop at the United States. We’ll push this mission to every European country, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, ensuring these places are no longer sanctuaries for the White devils. The age of White dominance is over!


People hate being preached to.

And the indoctrination you’re pushing under the guise of education turns people off.

The harder you push, the more you lose.

Even a majority of those marginalized groups don’t want to hear it, except the LGBTQ, which seems to he the group you’re pushing hardest.

But even other marginalized groups don’t want to hear about the LGBTQ.

Keep in mind that a lot of those sexist, racist dudebros are black and Hispanic.

Helping others is always a good thing, but you won’t gain anything shoving it down everyone’s throats.

So please stop fucking up movies and TV shows with your preaching.

All you’re doing is bankrupting Hollywood.

And pushing everyone to YouTube and other entertainment options.


It was inflation. I posted a hundred times, Biden shouldn't have reappointed Jerome Powell. At the time of the reappointment it was clear Powell was a fuckup. Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren were in agreement (and several other odd bedfellows) on that one.
