MovieChat Forums > Politics > Everybody Who Can Please Watch "The Keep...

Everybody Who Can Please Watch "The Keeper of the Flame" from 1942 NOW!

This is happening NOW in America! The chief difference is that in The Keeper of the Flame the Cult of Personality focused around a person who passed himself off as educated, erudite, well-spoken, and did at least a surface imitation of being reasonable. It now focuses around a senile incoherent imbecile whose followers worship every syllable of nonsense and garbage that falls from his ignorant mouth...and we now have nuclear weapons which weren't invented in 1942! This is the worst threat to America since the Civil War and the worst threat to the world since World War II (worse...because of the nukes)! Wake up and pay attention!

If you don't have time to watch the movie, at least watch The Twilight Zone episode "He's Alive." Similar thing!




Is this another fearmongering TDS post?


It's not fear mongering, it's fact.


Tell me who the current president is and how long have we been under DEFCON 3 under the current president?


The current president is no genius but he's no criminal and he at least has the sense not to run when he's past it. I'm not in the military so I would have no idea about DEFCON levels.


We have been closer to a nuclear WW3 than any other time in history under the current president and you're conflating the former president to a WW2 dictator. You are clearly brainwashed by the mainstream media.



The former president's followers are a cult of indoctrinated sheep.


A Tracy and Hepburn movie!

tvfan and some others on this site are Trump cultists. They'll need to be deprogrammed if their family's choose to help them.

Trump's own niece warned about him in interviews and her first book. She described him as a sociopath. Lazy and bigoted, also.

Unfortunately, U.S. racism and sexism guarantee Trump will always get their vote no matter how senile and unfit for office he is. He runs on xenophobia and racism since they appeal to some of his supporters.


You are spot on with all that.
