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Harris Winning Debate while Trump Makes Funny Faces

When Trump lies, one of the commentators facts check him. LOL!

Funny to hear Trump talk about migrant crime and then Harris bring up Trump's criminal record.

Trump's face was beet red at times. He looked angry. 😠

Harris won this debate.


Did it end for you? Because I'm still watching it.

Signed, million man.


Winning = present

About 15 minutes left, Trump's not going to do any better.

Trump = more funny faces & red red red face

Harris had good jab about Polish in Pennsylvania not being happy with Trump allowing Russia to invade Europe.


Harris made more faces than Trump, well, more prominent ones anyway.


To clarify, Harris faces were on purpose to deflect his lies. One was nodding no and the other was similar to a pitiful look given to an elderly delusional relative at a family reunion.

Trump's faces were reactions to her zingers. One was anger and the other a fake smile.

Lawyers in general and prosecutors specifically are excellent debaters. Trump isn’t going to win a debate against her. He shouldn't agree to another with her.


"He shouldn't agree to another with her."

Yes he should. Are you worried about a 2nd debate? Thats weird.


It would be stupid for Trump to agree when he's completely outmatched and will lose again.

Apparently he realizes this which is why he refuses to do another.

I'll make a prediction that Walz will win the debate against Vance. Walz is a very effective speaker.


You are a retarded partisan hack. Vance will destroy Walz. Walz is a much more effective speaker than Heels-up Harris but that's about it.


Then you agree with me that Walz will beat Vance.


Walz is a better speaker but he's still a Marxist hack that belongs in a padded room.


That's not how body language experts interpreted it but you Chinabots always have your own stories.

Kameltoe is like the kid memorizing answers to questions the night before a test. She doesn't "know" anything, except how to trade pussy for power.


Your entire post is misogynistic which shows that your real issue with Harris is irrational and overemotional bias against her gender. You basically despise 50% of the human race.


"Your entire post is misogynistic which shows that your real issue with Harris is irrational and overemotional bias against her gender. You basically despise 50% of the human race."

🀣🀣🀣 do you ever reread the stuff you post? this one was hilarious.


Wrong. Unlike you, I don't give a shit about that stuff. My issues with Harris are that she is unqualified, has a poor work ethic and is a leftist lunatic who'll say anything to gain power.

You would never vote for a conservative woman, a conservative black person or a conservative homosexual. You're a hypocrite who only pretends to support those minority groups when they toe the party line.


Your slur is misogynistic. Your comment is a racist stereotype.

Your cult leader isn't a conservative nor represents conservative values. I challenge you to define conservatism, list their values and explain how you believe Trump represents them. There is a reason why traditional Republicans are supporting and voting for Harris. They know Trump has nothing to do with conservatism.


My slur is against her as a whore, not against women, learn the difference.

Race has nothing to do with it.

No conservative would be caught dead voting for today's democrats. Another lie. You obviously have absolutely no fucking clue what conservatism is, else you wouldn't make such a stupid, false comment. The Cheney endorsements come directly from swamp RINO's. They were always part of the problem. They're only against Trump to support the corrupt establishment. AKA, The Swamp.


Are you expecting us to believe you'd say anything else? Gimme a break.

Kameltoe lied all night long and her two buddies, the moderators were on her side through the whole process. They never fact checked her bullshit, they never pressed her on unanswered questions and you morons suck it up like the good little lemming whores you are.

There are now reports that an internal ABC whistleblower has signed an affidavit stating the the whole thing was rigged, that they had the questions up front and that the moderators were going to "fact check" Trump. Democrats, still can't win without cheating.


Your YouTube video has zero credibility. Any idiot can have a YouTube channel.

Your conspiracy theories prove that you're as out of touch with reality as your cult leader. 🐈🐈🐈 🀣


Your propaganda has zero credibility.

You have zero credibility.


He speaks the truth. Her lies are proven with her own words.

YOU are the forum liar and have no credibility.

You also prove my long-standing point. You always ask for links but you will NEVER concede on a point, ever. I could provide 1000 links and you'll never relent. Because you don't care about the truth, only the agenda.


Trump is still inciting bomb threats with his racist lie about hard-working Haitians who are helping Springfield's economy.

What lie did she say? Be specific.

Actually I have repeatedly conceded.

You're lying since you can't specifically point to anything I wrote that wasn't true.


Bullshit. Please explain to me how anything Trump said about the Haitian illegals is racist? Or anything else for that matter? You can't because it's a lie. Race has nothing to do with it.

They're not "hard working Haitians helping the economy". Another lie. They're dependents from a 3rd world shithole wreaking havoc on Springfield. No city in America, let alone a small town can support an immediate influx of 20,000 people. Let alone refugees from a 3rd world shithole.

Watch the video I posted above. She fucking lied and you lie to cover it up.

You never concede because you people are never wrong.

Everything you post is a lie.


Your endorsement of a person who actively supports genocide is sickening.

But hey, Orange Man bad right?


Biden isn't running. 'member?


She's the VP remember?

She could speak out - she doesn't.

You support someone who supports the murder of children.


Of course, all her posts about Palestinian children dying were faux outrage.


Like Trump gives a flying fuck. Republican and Democrat policy on Israel is almost identical.

It is completely disingenuinous and cynical to see anti-Israel types project their policy onto Trump, or Republicans. In fact, I see this tendency a lot where pro-Trump fans just act as if Trump agrees with many of their own personal policy hopes. He seems to act as a surrogate for pro-Trump people for what they personally want.


It's not her place to speak out against the president. The vice president is supposed to support the president or keep their mouth shut if they don't.

Biden isn't running. 'member?


Being a decent human being comes with some responsibilities you know.

Wait, I don't think you do.


All Biden policies are Harris policies.


What nonsense! Stop repeating Fox talking points.

Your cult is too lazy to go to Harris' website to find out what her policies are.


How do you know what "Fox talking points" are?


Many of us are concerned about the horrible wars going on right now. We especially should not be supporting Israel's destruction of Gaza. However, we all know that Trump would tell Israel to go ahead and level Gaza, or at least what's left, and Lebanon, while they are at it. He has already said Putin should do whatever they want in Ukraine. So singling out Harris, who is NOT in charge of US foreign policy yet, and not Trump, is very misguided
