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Democrats say they need to hear from scientists, not Trump, that vaccine is safe

Congressional Democrats – citing concerns over the possibility of political interference in the rush to develop a coronavirus vaccine – say they will look to scientists, not President Donald Trump, to ensure that if one becomes available it is both safe and effective.

It appears that democrats were the first anti-vaxxers and also dont forget that democrats also promoted the Big Lie.


Very good case study in the ongoing TDS phenomenon. It's like a switch happened in their brains the instant the election was crazy is that?


If you check in on reality, Democrats were saying to let the science decide. Trump was threatening to fire the head if the FDA if the agency didn't approve the vaccine, regardless of whether or not it was safer and effective. Another good reason to never let him be in charge of anything.


thats why Trump cant win with dems. so he got the vaccine out as fast as possible and dems are still whining. supposedly Joe has been in charge for almost 4 years and now he is too old to be president. the hypocrisy!

dems are like, protect us from the virus. we want the vaccine. its wrong to ban flights from China and hug a chinese person.


If you check in on reality, Democrats were saying to let the science decide. Trump was threatening to fire the head if the FDA if the agency didn't approve the vaccine, regardless of whether or not it was safer and effective. Another good reason to never let him be in charge of anything.


thats why Trump cant win with dems. so he got the vaccine out as fast as possible and dems are still whining. supposedly Joe has been in charge for almost 4 years and now he is too old to be president. the hypocrisy!

dems are like, protect us from the virus. we want the vaccine...elections cant be stolen. the election was stolen. the election might be stolen, the election wasnt stolen. Russia.


So, you are in favor of political interference in the sourish of medications? Trump was threatening to fire the head if the FDA if the agency didn't approve the vaccine, regardless of whether or not it was safer and effective. Another good reason to never let him be in charge of anything.


Trump was referring to his version of the vaccine, not the Deep State’s version.

There were three versions of the vax:

1. Placebo vax
2. Deep State vax
3. Trump’s vax (treatment) (OWS)

OWS purpose was mainly to end the lockdowns/mandates as quickly as possible instead of 12 years of it.
Otherwise; millions/billions more would have died. You should be thankful for OWS.


Fine, but they can blame the repercussions on their precious scientists, Fauci, Gates and the Dems.


dems were the first anti-vaxxers.


Yup, and that’s from back in the days when they were safer to take. Now; they are biological weapons and they trust it because the science told them to.


Is it true that scientists are con artists who scam the public for more money with false scientific information?
