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Musk lying about a ddos attack to account for the Trump interview glitch/40 minute delay

Anything to shift the blame away from his rickety platform, a platform he strip-mined upon taking control of the enterprise with great glee & triumphalism. It hasn't gone well :

Companies that monitor the internet for unusual bursts of traffic did not report anything out of the ordinary.

Musk posted that he had tested the system’s ability to handle 8 million simultaneous connections, but that test might not have reflected realistic conditions.

Musk and his followers on X let fly Monday with wild accusations and theories without offering any evidence beyond the crash and his words. The “deep state” FBI and CIA were suppressing the conversation, one said, or it was the Democrats desperate to silence Trump. Some assertions gaining the most views came from far-right influencers and attention seekers who have thrived on Musk’s platform by posting falsehoods and speculation in the past.

Others were from fellow technology investors such as Zynga founder Mark Pincus, who posted: “Its Dems fighting to ‘save’ Democracy from two massive disrupters!” Musk responded: “Yeah.” Pincus on Tuesday said he had been joking.

An attack would be the only way for Musk to allocate responsibility for the long delay away from his own platform. Other companies can live-stream simultaneously to 1 million people, as the Spaces event eventually did. But accommodating that number of listeners clearly caused problems for X.

Most kinds of DDoS should have been easy for X to master, former staffers and experts said.

“By the time there’s something [so large] they actually shouldn’t be able to handle, it should be melting bits of the internet. And no one was seeing that happen,” the former X engineer said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid retribution.


I believe him... the media are liars, and their "experts" are usually the opposite of that.


Kamalatoe had the headlines changed, this is fake news.


Musk made the claim. Musk provides no evidence, no IP traffic, to support his claim, none detected by others who also are able to see these streams through external routers.

Therefore, we should assume he is lying.

OF COURSE Trumpys resort to denialism. That's always the go-to, when your people spout non-stop bullshit. What ELSE are you going to do (besides, get wise).


Who cares? Worst case Musk didn't have the resources to support the load and is lying about it, out of ego or to protect X.

I should care about this why?


Because Musk bad, and you shouldn't forget that.

Even if there was evidence of a DDoS attack they'd find another way to negatively spin it.


Yeah... a hole lot of blithering conspiratorial reality-denying nonsense. OF COURSE.


No reason to lie considering that the establishment and EU wanted the interview censored. That didn't work so they attempted a DDoS attack and that still failed since more than a billion people still heard the interview.


You have nothing other than Musk's self-serving word absent readily available evidence were it true.

So, believe what you are bound to believe, regardless of the evidence, as you like.


This is not about what Musk said, it’s obvious that the attack was deliberate since their attempt to censor the interview failed.

“regardless of the evidence”

Yes, it’s because of the “circumstantial evidence” regardless of Musk’s word.


We don't KNOW the source of the glitch - Musk makes an unsupported allegation that absolves his platform (which, in any case, should be robust enough to resist such intrusions).

His platform may simply have sagged under the service load, which is all on him.

And if it was, in fact, a DDOS attack, how did it get swatted in 45 minutes - did the attackers just give up ?

I simply don't believe Musk, for good reason. You do, or the rough equivalent (accepting it was 'an attack'), for no good reason.


Pretty much. I've seen DDOS attack before. If a million were still able to listen instead of the supposed 8 million, that means there was no DDOS as it would literally crash the whole site's connection.

"Musk didn’t specify what kind of mistakes he believed X staffers made or how a DDOS attack would have targeted a specific stream but not brought down the rest of the X platform, which remained operational during the Trump stream meltdown."
