MovieChat Forums > Politics > What's your age and how long have you be...

What's your age and how long have you been standing up for ISISlam?

How long have you been saying the word "Islamophobia"? (which is like saying Tigerphobia or Stabophobia)

Can you remember any time in your dull ass life, when you weren't trying to save a religion of some 2bn people - all from behind your keyboard... ? LOL

Answer the questions or we'll know you're just a f***tard.



Are you Jim Morrison?



Oh thats cool, I took Philosophy and Sociology in College. The Sociology class was pretty cool although I was high during most of the semester.

The Doors are only open to those that want to enter.


listening to recitations of cosmic wisdom that transcend the petty stereotypes that you are now alluding to.

"Cosmic wisdom", ... so uhh, how come they can't stop blowing each other up?




Theres certain types of liberals.

Theres the ignorant ones who really believe that islam is some beautiful religion of tolerance and love and they also see it as something exotic and cool. they defend islam because they don't understand that true liberals should be more against it than anyone. they don't understand that when demographics matter, soon they more than likely will live in a horrible society. they wont get their abortions, no gay or trans rights, nothing...

Then theres the liberal who sees islam as an ally, and doesn't really care what happens to the west, as long as it destroys what they see as the evil white capitalist christian society.

But islam wont spare either of these people, it wont spare the purple haired tranny because it defended islam on twitter back in the day.


It's the Eastern religions that give leftists the warm and fuzzies. In the case of Islam they're just kowtowing to brown people; they try to avoid thinking about the religious implications.


but ive seen british police go after african christian preachers for preaching in the streets there.

so it's christianity they hate and they adore islam.



Littlemikey: don't bother expending the extra effort it would take to use an apostrophe. Given the shit you type, and the way you type it, you will still look stupid.
