MovieChat Forums > Politics > Asian Women Out-earn White Men

Asian Women Out-earn White Men

While browsing twitter this afternoon, i noticed that Mark J Perry from AEI has updated his ongoing chart of the earnings gap that's developed between Asian women & white men.

he's been posting a version of this chart on the aei site for a few years. here's an earlier version.

You can find the statistics yourself by going to the bureau of labor & statistics & selecting median weekly earnings for those populations. Refreshingly for a gov't site, the bls page is easy to navigate.

since persistent wage differences are proof of discrimination, then we probably should expect the government to enact policies like preferred hiring & allowing entrance into elite universities with less academic qualifications to address this glaring inequality. only fair.

here are the numbers for the last 10 quarters. not sure how nicely this will format, but i'll give it a try:
2024-2 1281 1337 56 4.37%
2024-1 1254 1331 77 6.14%
2023-4 1243 1356 113 9.09%
2023-3 1231 1217 -14 -1.14%
2023-2 1201 1310 109 9.08%
2023-1 1222 1313 91 7.45%
2022-4 1194 1342 148 12.40%
2022-3 1192 1177 -15 -1.26%
2022-2 1161 1182 21 1.81%
2022-1 1148 1237 89 7.75%
avg difference 5.57%


But..but...muh gender wage gap!!
