MovieChat Forums > Politics > Out of Control Leftist Rhetoric...

Out of Control Leftist Rhetoric...

Mark Dice has put together a nice video highlighting the violent rhetoric of the left, and their incitement of it leading people to start shooting Presidential Candidates.

This is very very concerning.


Those sickos on Tiktok etc who wished the person didn't miss should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. 1 person lost their life, others injured and this is how they react. Absolutely disgusting.


They revealed themselves long ago... it's just time everyone comes to terms with it.


Comrade Willi! Stop wasting the hours and days and years of your useless life on this meaningless site! Join Comrade Trump and me in Mother Russia as we reshape the world!


The legacy media is partially responsible for that incitement.


Democrats push so much hate it's like they want another civil war. Wasn't the last one enough? They killed the Republican President for it then and tried to do it again Saturday.


So it's been a week and the BlueAnons have gone full-retard with the conspiracy theories...


This is the first time I have seen them share the same CT with the Qanons and their hopium grifters.
